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Advanced Installation

Jeremy B edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 6 revisions

This page gives some examples of advanced NetLogo installations. It is intended primarily for system administrators or power users.


Installation via msiexec

NetLogo (version 5.3.1 and later) can be installed in Windows either with or without desktop shortcuts. To install without desktop shortcuts, use:

msiexec.exe /i C:\Path\to\NetLogo.msi ALLUSERS=1 ADDLOCAL=BaseInstall

To install with Desktop shortcuts, use:

msiexec.exe /i C:\Path\to\NetLogo.msi ALLUSERS=1 ADDLOCAL=Shortcuts

To uninstall you can use:

msiexec.exe /uninstall {PRODUCT.GUID}

Where the PRODUCT.GUID is the matching product.64 or product.32 value for the MSI you installed. You can look up these values in our archive of them, just find the appropriate version number properties file and look inside for the GUID. For example, for NetLogo 6.0.3 64-bit you would check, and see that product.64 has a value of 35DA2B12-ABAE-4CE6-9A5F-A61C4CD9113C. You can also inspect the MSI packages to find these values.

You can run the MSI commands silently with the /quiet command-line switch, but make sure to run them with administrator rights so that they complete correctly.

The MSI installer was added in NetLogo 5.3 and we're still in the process of tweaking it to get it "just right". Please create a GitHub issue or email if you encounter problems with the MSI installer.

Mac OS X

Command Line installation

  • Obtain the URL for the latest NetLogo DMG from the CCL website.
  • curl -O <NetLogo.dmg URL>
  • sudo hdiutil attach NetLogo-<Version>.dmg
  • cp /Volumes/NetLogo <Version> /Applications (may need to use sudo)

Brew Cask (unsupported)

There is a brew cask available for NetLogo. It can be installed by running brew cask install NetLogo. Note that this cask is not officially supported by the CCL and may not be up-to-date with the latest version of NetLogo.


Command Line installation

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