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Jeremy B edited this page Sep 30, 2022 · 2 revisions

This testing is not meant to be in-depth, but very broad across apps and features to try to catch any missed items that would make a release package unusable.

Ideally this would all be automated.

macOS Specific

Does Gatekeeper refuse the apps when in "App Store only" mode and accept them in the other mode?

  • You need to download the generated image file from an external source so macOS will flag the dmg as quarantined to get a realistic test. You can post to a local host web site or use Air Drop to transfer the file out and back, or maybe figure out how to manually set the quarantine flag via a command-line tool.
  • If you have the developer certificates installed on your machine you will never hit a Gatekeeper error as the disk image will be trusted; you'll need to remove them before opening the dmg to get a good test.

All Platforms

  • Are the version number (twice) and build date right in the readme?
  • Is the version number right in the app about box, in the HTML doc, in the PDF doc?
  • Is the version of Java used correct in the About > System tab?
  • Can the doc be opened from the Help menu in the app? With F1?
  • Are all the changes that the release announcement claims are there actually there?
  • Are the right models included? Are recent model changes included? Are models properly cross-referenced (Altruism is a good one to check)?
  • Does exporting a model using Save As NetLogo Web... work?
  • Does the Extension Manager work? Does it display a list of extensions? Can you download and use new extensions? Uninstall extensions?
  • Do all extensions work? Especially the ones that use extra jars and/or native libraries, such as sound, arduino?
  • Do the empty agent monitors work? Tools > Globals / Patch / Turtle / Link
  • Do regular agent monitors work? inspect one-of turtles, inspect one-of patches, etc.
  • Does the 3D view work?
  • Does the system dynamics modeler work? There is a Wolf Sheep (System Dynamics) model to try.
  • Does BehaviorSpace work? Red Queen has built-in experiments to edit and run.
  • Does the logging launcher work? It's in the preferences now.
  • Does Behaviorsearch work? File > Open Example, but make sure to change the output directory to something writable (default is the app dir).
  • Does the 3D app work?
  • On Windows and Mac, after installing, does double clicking a model file open the new version?

System Language Change

Once complete with tests, add these two lines to the NetLogo.cfg file at the end of the [JavaOptions] section to tell Java the system language is Spanish and location is Mexico. Then go back through a quick subset of the tests again in NetLogo (no need to test 3D or extensions):

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