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Fernando Sancho Caparrini edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 7 revisions

This page lists .nls source files which can be used to let the community know about code you have written which you would like to share. Please see Listing Your Library for instructions on how to add yours.

How to use these libraries

NetLogo offers the ability to import source files using the __includes keyword. While __includes is still considered experimental, we plan to continue to refine and enhance the source-inclusion capabilities of NetLogo.

Library List

Name Link Authors License Notes
Random Number Generation GitHub Project
  • Edwin R. Torres
  • Christopher J. Willy
MIT License
AI Collection GitHub Project F. Sancho Caparrini MIT License It is a work in progress. In the repository you can find several libraries and demo models to solve real problems with them

Listing Your Library

Before listing your library, we ask that you choose a license for your library and include the license and any copyright information in the text of your ".nls" file as a comment. This protects you and any users of your library. Please do not list any libraries without the express permission of their author(s). We also ask that you choose a location to host the library. This can be on a web server or by making the library into a simple GitHub project. The page you link to should include general information about the library and a demo model (if possible).

Adding A Library Listing

Library listings include several fields. When adding your library, we ask that you try to stay consistent with the conventions detailed below. We will give as an example a library called "coffee-pot" which simulates a coffee maker in NetLogo. If your library contains multiple files, please list it only once.

Name or description

A title or brief description of your library. Please try to keep this short. If you have multiple files, a short description like "markdown tools" or "xml processor" would be good.



Link to file/s or repository

A (working) link pointing to a publicly accessible web page where users can download the appropriate files. Please include any information about the library that won't fit in the description here on the linked page.


[Coffee Project](

Author name

Your name and the names of any collaborators. Note that markdown lists won't work here - use an HTML list if you need to include multiple authors.


<ul><li>Mr. Coffee</li><li>Joe Einstein</li><li>Peet</li></ul>


The license under which your library is available. This can be a link to license text (but doesn't have to be). See Choose A License for more information on licenses. Please do not list libraries on this page without licenses or with overly-restrictive licenses.


[Creative Commons 0](

Notes / Special setup (optional)

Leave this field empty if the library works in most recent versions of NetLogo without extensions. Otherwise, include specific versions of NetLogo that this works in and any extensions or additional libraries that this requires.


Requires `cf` extension

Putting it Together

For markdown table rows, use the 'bar' character (|) between fields (you don't need a bar at the beginning or the end. Our finished result looks like this:

Name Link Authors License Notes
coffee-pot Coffee Project
  • Mr. Coffee
  • Joe Einstein
  • Peet
Creative Commons 0 Requires cf extension
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