This is a repository of my (Jose Nicolas Mora) YelpCamp project for the Udemy course, The Web Developer Bootcamp.
Check out my Github
Check out my LinkedIn
YelpCamp is a yelp style, campground themed website. It allows for users to browse and search campgrounds that the community adds. The campgrounds are rated using a "like" system, and the users are able to talk about the campgrounds through a campground comment system.
- RESTful routes
- Campground Search (Fuzzy)/Show/Edit/Delete
- User Show/Edit
- Liking Campgrounds
- Comments on Campgrounds
- Notifications
- Authentication
- Password reset with real emails
- Admin role
- Visible Campground location with Google mini-map and marker
- Image uploading to the cloud
- General
- Object Oriented Javascript Refactor
- My YelpCamp project is heavily refactored to take advantage of ES6 syntax, including:
- Classes (to make application more Object-Oriented)
- Async/Await (to significantly reduce callbacks and ease asynchronous programming)
- let and const (for increased control of scope)
- etc
- My YelpCamp project is heavily refactored to take advantage of ES6 syntax, including:
- Nested comments
- Pagination
- Flash messages for showing helpful information to users
- Meaningful error messages
- Dynamic price feature
- Object Oriented Javascript Refactor
- Back-end
- Extensive documentation using JSDoc
- Seperation of routes into controller classes and routes
- Improved mongoose middleware for models to resolve inter model dependencies
- API helper classes
- Custom stack trace extending error classes
- Front-end
- Mobile responsive front end design
- Landing page animations
- Wrapper class for wrapping models used in View files to de-couple Model (database) from View
- This allows a developer to use the same wrapper class in the views for any model, regardless of complexity
- This increases encapsulation of models used in views
- Modals for seeing who likes a Campground
- Modals for enlarging images
- Revamped profile page
- Increased modularity of view layouts and partials, best exemplified by the comments views
- Even more meaningful dynamic error messages
To install, first fork this repository, then in the command line type and enter:
npm install
To run:
node ./lib/app.js
To run and preserve asynchronous stack traces:
node ./lib/app.js --async-stack-trace
This application is deployed as a read-only version to the following link:
You may use the following account to login:
- username: jackofhearts
- password: PNuYtb!2E!UZG&ryQ8*zse&$76eoFf
(note: it's read only, so you won't be able to edit/delete things)
- MongoDB 4.0.18
- For storing data in a NoSQL database.
- Node.js: 14.4.0
- JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- npm 6.14.5
- Node Package Manager (like a Javascript dependency manager).
- It allows you to easily install 3rd party Javascript Node.js libraries.
- Express ^4.17.1
- Mongoose ^5.9.16
- bcrypt ^4.0.1
- For password encryption.
- [bcrypt-nodejs 0.0.3]
- body-parser ^1.19.0
- For parsing request bodies.
- cloudinary ^1.21.0
- For using the Cloudinary API to store images on the cloud.
- I created a wrapper class for this module to improve error handling.
- connect-flash ^0.1.1
- For flash messages.
- dotenv ^8.2.0
- For environment variables.
- express-session ^1.17.1
- For storing session data.
- method-override ^3.0.0
- For overriding HTTP verbs.
- multer ^1.4.2
- For handling multipart/form-data
- node-geocoder ^3.27.0
- For using the Google Geocoding API to convert addresses to coordinates.
- I created a wrapper class for this module to improve error handling.
- nodemailer ^6.4.8
- For sending emails, such as for resetting a password.
- passport ^0.4.1
- For authentication.
- passport-local ^1.0.0
- For local username and password authentication strategy for passport.js.
- passport-local-mongoose ^6.0.1
- Mongoose plugin for simplifying username/password authentication.
- async ^3.2.0
- For asynchronous functions before being replaced with async/await.
- EJS ^3.1.3
- Javascript templating engine used for building html pages.
- Bootstrap 4.5.0
- Open source CSS framework used for creating responsive mobile-first web pages.
- Font Awesome
- For icons.
- uuid ^8.2.0
- For creating Universally Unique ID's.
- moment ^2.26.0
- For setting and displaying dates.
Check out this project's documentation website.