charts is a custom module for ansible that generate charts in image format on the ansible control node.
The purpose of this project is to use ansible's control node to generate charts in image format.
To do this, some of the functions of the Python Plotly library are used.
This module is very basic and uses only a few functions in comparison with the vast number of possibilities offered by the Plotly library.
It is currently possible to generate charts of this type:
- line
- bar
- pie
- donut
In images of these formats:
- png
- jpeg
- webp
- svg
- eps
├── /library
│ └── ##<-- python custom module
First of all, in order to use this module you MUST have installed the necessary library on your control node and/or in your environment.
Python lib:
- Plotly
- Kaleido
You can install these libraries directly from pip
If you have no way of modifying your control node or environment, you can install the libraries by the pip module directly via the playbook that will use this module.
- name: Install plotly
become: false
name: plotly=6.0.0
delegate_to: localhost
You can also install the libraries via .whl files
- name: Install plotly
become: false
name: /tmp/plotly-6.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
delegate_to: localhost
Parameter | Type | Required | Sample | Comment |
titlechart | str |
❌ No | "CPU Usage Over Time" |
Title displayed at the top of the chart. |
type | str |
✅ Yes | "line" |
Type of chart. Options: "line" , "bar" , "pie" , "donut" . |
xaxis | list |
❌ No | ["2025-02-06T12:10", "2025-02-06T12:20"] |
X-axis data values (time or categories). |
xaxisname | str |
❌ No | "Timestamp" |
Label for the X-axis. |
yaxis | list |
❌ No | [[12.3, 14.5, 13.1], [5.2, 6.3, 5.8]] |
List of Y-axis data series. |
yaxisname | list |
❌ No | ["User %", "System %"] |
List of labels for Y-axis data series. |
yaxiscolor | list |
❌ No | ["red", "blue"] |
Colors for each Y-axis series. |
imgwidth | int |
❌ No | 1920 |
Width of the output image (pixels). |
imgheight | int |
❌ No | 1080 |
Height of the output image (pixels). |
shape_line | str |
❌ No | "spline" |
Shape of lines in line charts. Options: "spline" , "linear" . |
format | str |
❌ No | "png" |
Output format. Options: "png" , "jpeg" , "webp" , "svg" , "pdf" , "eps" . |
path | str |
✅ Yes | "/charts" |
Directory where the chart image is saved. |
filename | str |
✅ Yes | "cpu_usage" |
Name of the saved image file (without extension). |
fontsize | int |
❌ No | 20 |
Font size for text elements. |
fontcolor | str |
❌ No | "#333333" |
Font color for all chart text. |
titlelegend | str |
❌ No | "CPU Breakdown" |
Title displayed for the legend. |
slicedata | list |
❌ No | [50, 30, 20] |
Values for pie or donut charts. |
slicelabel | list |
❌ No | ["Cache", "Swap", "RAM"] |
Labels for pie or donut chart slices. |
slicecolor | list |
❌ No | ["orange", "blue", "green"] |
Colors assigned to each slice in pie or donut charts. |
sizehole | float |
❌ No | 0.5 |
Size of the hole in a donut chart (0 for pie ). |
Attribute | Support | Description |
check_mode | full | Can run in check_mode and return changed status prediction without modifying target. |
This portion of code converts the load average data collected by sar using my other module sar_facts.
- name: Collect CPU Usage Data
type: "cpu"
date_start: "2025-02-06"
date_end: "2025-02-07"
- name: Generate CPU Usage Line Chart
titlechart: "CPU Usage Over Time (Multi-Day)"
type: "line"
xaxis: "{{ ansible_facts.sar_cpu | map(attribute='date') | zip(ansible_facts.sar_cpu | map(attribute='time')) | map('join', 'T') | list }}"
xaxisname: "Timestamp"
- "{{ ansible_facts.sar_cpu | selectattr('%user', 'defined') | map(attribute='%user') | map('float') | list }}"
- "{{ ansible_facts.sar_cpu | selectattr('%system', 'defined') | map(attribute='%system') | map('float') | list }}"
- "{{ ansible_facts.sar_cpu | selectattr('%idle', 'defined') | map(attribute='%idle') | map('float') | list }}"
yaxisname: ["User %", "System %", "Idle %"]
yaxiscolor: ["#FF5733", "#33A1FF", "#28A745"]
imgwidth: 1920
imgheight: 1080
shape_line: "spline"
format: "png"
path: "/tmp"
filename: "cpu_usage_chart_multi_day"
titlelegend: "CPU Breakdown"
delegate_to: localhost
- This module return
'changed': True
Key | Type | Sample |
changed | boolean | True |
- Assuming you are in the root folder of your ansible project.
Specify a module path in your ansible configuration file.
$ vim ansible.cfg
library = ./library
Create the directory and copy the python modules into that directory
$ mkdir library
$ cp path/to/module library
- If you use Ansible AWX and have no way to edit the control node, you can add the /library directory to the same directory as the playbook .yml file
├── root repository
│ ├── playbooks
│ │ ├── /library
│ │ │ └── ##<-- python custom module
│ │ └── your_playbook.yml ##<-- you playbook