vg is an indefinitely-work-in-progress game engine focused on rapid prototyping.
- my-game: Example game project
- vg-engine: Main runtime for vg games
- vg-editor: Development tool wrapping vg-engine
- vg-signaling: A matchmaking server
- vg-asset: Asset management library
- vg-interface: Common types between vg-runtime and vg-rust
- vg-network: Network socket and rollback abstraction
- vg-runtime: WebAssembly runtime for state management
- vg-rust: Main interface to the engine, used by games
- vg-scene: Manages the world state
my-game is forced-target'ed to wasm32-wasi and is part of the workspace. It will get automatically built for us, yippee. It only depends on vg-rust and its own, non-vg dependencies
cargo run
default-runs the editor. Editor is only supported on desktops.
cargo build -p vg-engine
TODO: High priority
Requires setting up the Android NDK and cargo apk 0.10. The manifest path is because cargo apk has trouble with workspaces, apparently. Check the NDK version is correct and remember --lib so it wont try to make an apk out of a binary
cargo apk build --lib --manifest-path vg-engine/Cargo.toml