PROJ 5.2.0
This release includes both new features and bug fixes in PROJ
Added support for deg, rad and grad in unitconvert (#1054)
Assume +t_epoch as time input when not otherwise specified (#1065)
Added inverse Lagrange projection (#1058)
Added +multiplier option to vgridshift (#1072)
Added Equal Earth projection (#1085)
Added "require_grid" option to gie (#1088)
Replace +transpose option of Helmert transform with +convention.
From now on the convention used should be explicitly written. An
error will be returned when using the +transpose option (#1091) -
Improved numerical precision of inverse spherical Mercator projection (#1105)
cct will now forward text after coordinate input to output stream (#1111)
Do not pivot over WGS84 when doing cs2cs-emulation with geocent (#1026)
Do not scan past the end of the read data in pj_ctx_fgets (#1042)
Make sure proj_errno_string() is available in DLL (#1050)
Respect +to_meter setting when doing cs2cs-emulation (#1053)
Fixed unit conversion factors for geod (#1075)
Fixed test failures related to GCC 8 (#1084)
Improved handling of +geoc flag (#1093)
Calculate correct projection factors for Webmercator (#1095)
cs2cs now always outputs degrees when transformed coordinates are
in angular units (#1112)