I've decided to use this GitHub feature to share some details about my OpenBSD setup, and gradually add a FAQ section.
- Window Manager: i3-gaps, rofi, dunst
- GUI Programs: Firefox, PCManFM, Audacity, Kdenlive, Evince, Pinta, GIMP, Viewnior, IntelliJ, PyCharm
- Terminal: Bash, Alacritty
- Terminal Programs: Tmux with ohmytmux, Colorls, Cmixer, Newsboat, Fzf, Mdp, Mpv, Pyradio, FFmpeg
- Vim: Vundle (Plugin Manager), NERDTree (File Viewer), Vim-airline (Status Bar), Jedi-vim (Language Syntax Check), Vim-markdown (Markdown), Vim-fugitive (Git Branch in Status Bar), Vim-autoclose (Auto Close Brackets), Clang_complete (C/C++ Auto Completion)
I have several laptops and an old desktop computer, but they are not all relevant. The important ones are those that run OpenBSD and FreeBSD.
- ThinkPad T480: Intel i5-8350U, 24GB RAM runs OpenBSD 7.3 / Linux Mint
- ThinkPad T430: Intel i5-3320M, 12GB RAM runs FreeBSD 13.2 / Arch Linux