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Releases: Outer-Wilds-New-Horizons/new-horizons

Version 1.22.2

21 Jun 06:29
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  • When making changes to the Eye of the Universe you can now use any path from the base solar system. Note some objects might not behave as expected since many things aren't made to exist at the eye.

Bug fixes

  • Copied dream lanterns now look correct

Generated From PR: #911

Version 1.22.1

18 Jun 16:29
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Bug fixes

  • Fix an NRE that affected Astral Codec
  • Undo a change that made NH stop creating props if their parent path was invalid (will revert to whatever the old behaviour was; using root sector or dialogue anim controller). Affected Astral Codec.

Generated From PR: #909

Version 1.22.0

18 Jun 04:36
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Major features

  • Added GlobalMusic module to system config (change end times, bramble dimension, and final end times music) (Resolves #894)
  • Slides are now loaded in the background instead of freezing your game. Brings load time of current Eyes of the Past dev build from 2.5 minutes to 40 seconds (hooray). (Fixes #812)


  • Setting parentPath will be more robust on most props (retries the build operation until it finds the parent)

Bug fixes

  • Fix quantum planet NRE when body gets updated (astro object gets recreated)
  • Fix custom signal NRE that happens when going to solar system to get prefabs for eye
  • Fixed global bramble music not playing because all dimensions have an ambient audio volume
  • No more infinite load when warping back to Outer Wilds system with the Vessel

Generated From PR: #902

Version 1.21.2

14 Jun 15:50
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Bug fixes

  • Fix compatibility issues with the Outsider that somehow got triggered by Patch 15
  • Fixed an NRE in NHSupernovaPlanetEffectController that happens with vanilla bodies
  • Potentially fix multiple star system cards appearing in ship log

Generated From PR: #895

Version 1.21.1

11 Jun 03:29
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed the hatchling just never opening their eyes ever again after warping

Generated From PR: #892

Version 1.21.0

10 Jun 23:05
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Major features

  • Updated to work with Patch 15 (fixed game libs + game over text issue) (thanks Jeffrey Yu from Mobius for pointing that one out!)

Minor features

  • New slide reel options. reelModel and reelCondition parameters for slide reel mesh and material. (#811)
    • Models: 6-slided, 7-slided, 8-slided, and Whole (7-slided but connected like 8-slided).
    • Conditions: Antique (Stranger), Pristine (Dreamworld), Rusted (Burnt)
  • rotate parameter added to slide info. Rotates the slide reel item while inside a projector.
  • Added map marker module with display distance overrides (#847)


  • Relative spawning when warping with vessel just like vanilla
  • No more wake up effects for vessel warping
  • Map mode icon setting changes now work when updating an existing planet. Fixes #875

Bug fixes

  • Fixed nomai lamps on custom vessel looking like they are off
  • Fixed broken black and white holes on custom vessel
  • Fixed vessel coordinate orb not unlocking on start
  • Dialogue replacement can no longer replace dialogue on other planets than the one the config file is for.
  • Fix seeing solar system before opening your eyes if there was conditional object activation being used
  • Fix getting stuck in chair when warping back from NH Examples
  • Fix seeing solar system for one frame when going to the Eye

Generated From PR: #886

Version 1.20.3

04 Jun 04:43
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Minor features

  • Added parentPath to scatter. This parent is the pivot and should be at the position where you'd like to scatter (which would usually be zero).


  • Now avoiding unnecessary EndConversation calls. (Fix #859)

Bug fixes

  • Prevents a softlock when at the eye (JohnCorby's fault) (Fix #865)
  • Pause on load like in base game (Fix #783)
  • Fixed disabled reference frames not being disabled (for the third time)
  • Fixed sectors being rotated on tidally locked bodies
  • Fixed scatter not working properly on tidally locked bodies
  • Fixed returning to solar system radius not being calculated correctly
  • Supposedly fixed rafts but didn't actually (wtf Hawkbar!)
  • Stop popups spamming your entire save file potentially.

Generated From PR: #880

Version 1.20.2

01 May 00:24
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Minor features

  • To avoid having to copy paste a repeated DialogueOptionsList, you can instead put ReuseDialogueOptionsListFrom and reference another DialogueNode whose options you want to repeat. Implements #854


  • Now uses selected language instead of system language when making strings fully uppercase or lowercase in translations

Generated From PR: #856

Version 1.20.1

28 Apr 01:40
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Bug fixes

  • Fixes The Vision roasting you in the sun if you're Turkish (use invariant culture when changing string casing)

Generated From PR: #851

Version 1.20.0

25 Apr 21:07
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Major features

  • Quantum Space Buddies is no longer incompatible. Expect there to still be bugs when playing NH addons with QSB, especially code-oriented ones!

Generated From PR: #849