Tested up to version 2.4.1 should not cause technical problems on versions above 2.4.x This payment module allows you to accept credit card payments through Ovri.com payment solution (https://www.ovri.com).
- Module version: 1.2.0
- Composer required : 2.0 or more
This is the recommended installation because it allows quick updates, so prefer the installation with COMPOSER
To install Ovri payment module on Magento you just need to enter the following command:
composer require ovribanking/module-ovri-magento2
depending on the case or your version of composing you may have to use a method with some ignorance
composer require ovribanking/module-ovri-magento2 --ignore-platform-reqs
If you want to perform a manual installation it is also possible in this case you just have to create the following directories in the app/code directory of your Magento > installation:
Main directory : Ovribanking (please respect upper & lower case) A subdirectory : Ovri (please respect upper & lower case) This will give app/code/Ovribanking/Ovri/
Then copy the entire archive into the Ovri directory.
You will need to activate the module with the following commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Ovribanking_Ovri --clear-static-content php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile php bin/magento cache:flush
The update is simple, just enter the following command:
composer update ovribanking/module-ovri-magento2 --ignore-platform-reqs
To connect the module to your Ovri merchant account you must:
- Add your website to your Ovri account
- Retrieve the API key (Merchant Key)
- Generated the SECRET key and retrieved it
- Click on "Stores" > "Configuration"
- Then on the "Sales" tab > "Payment methods".
- Just fill in the sections corresponding to Ovri (MerchantKey & SecretKey)
The OvriBanking payment module for Magento, does not require any configuration on the OVRI side because the notification information is natively integrated to this plugin. If your website does not receive the answers, please check the IPN status in your transactions and if necessary click on "View" to understand the reason, Make sure to allow if you have a firewall the ips of OVRI and/or the access to the ipn resource:
- [YourUrlInstallPathMagento]/ovribanking_ovri/index/ipn/
(Note: To test transactions, don't forget to switch your website (in your Ovri interface, in test/demo mode) and switch it to production when your tests are finished.
Once the test mode is active, the test cards will be displayed on the payment page.