A fork of emgithub with some extra tweaks.
- PDF support using pdf.js.
- Styles ids can be automated using javascript.
// https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/
// Run the following in browser console and paste the result in the 404.html file
let styles = {};
[...document.getElementsByTagName('link')].forEach(link => {
if (link.href.startsWith('https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/styles/')) {
data[link.href.slice(43, -4)] = link.title;
- Highlight.js - Javascript syntax highlighter.
- highlightjs-line-numbers.js - Highlight.js line numbers plugin.
- marked - Markdown parser.
- github-markdown-css - GitHub Markdown style.
- notebookjs - Jupyter/IPython notebooks render.
- pdf.js - Parsing and rendering PDFs.
- Loading.io - Loading animation.
- GitHub Corners.
- Icons made by Vectors Market and Dave Gandy from www.flaticon.com.