VSDMemSOC Implementation flow:: RTL2GDSII
VSDMemSoC is an SoC that includes a RISC-V based processor called RVMYTH and an external 1kB SRAM instruction memory (Imem), separating the instruction memory from the processor core.
The purpose of designing such an SOC to is to demonstrate the concept of separating the main core and memories of processor. This would help to make the RISC-V more modular and portable. Here, the instruction memory is separated.
RVMYTH core is a simple RISCV-based CPU, introduced in a workshop by RedwoodEDA and VSD.Core is developed using TL-Verilog for faster development.
An SRAM is a type of random-access memory (RAM) that uses latching circuitry (flip-flop) to store each bit. It is a volatile memory where data is lost when power is removed. It is typically used for the cache and internal registers of a CPU as it very fast but expensive. The SRAM here is a 1 kB 6-transistor type with a 8-bit address bus and 32-bit data bus.
RISC-V is developed using Transactional verilog. So, we use sandpiper tool to convert the RVMYTH core written in TL-verilog to verilog.
Here we used one of the SRAM's present in the PDK provided by the skywater sky130 technology. Here the sram used has 32-bit word size and 8-bit address space which results in 256 memory locations(words).
Go to the OpenLane folder and run make mount
. OpenLane uses several tools. The scripsts and tools used during the atomic commands are found in <OpenLane_dir>/scripts
. Also OpenRoad related scripts are found in <OpenLane_dir>/scripts/openroad
Command used for creating the project for the first time ./flow.tcl -design vsdmemsoc init_design_config -add_to_designs
For running the design in interactive mode ./flow.tcl -interactive
For prepping the design prep -design vsdmemsoc
Since we are using a SRAM Macro from the PDK, we need to add LEF files of that SRAM before we start the openlane flow. The following two commands are used to add the SRAM lef files to the design flow
set lefs [glob $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/src/macros/*.lef]
add_lefs -src $lefs
- Command run_synthesis
- Generating gate-level netlist (yosys). - Performing cell mapping (abc).
- Performing pre-layout STA (OpenSTA).
- Usefull info for design stage: Flip-flop ratio, chip area, timing performance
- Command run_floorplan
- Defining the core area for the macro as well as the cell sites and the tracks (init_fp).
- Placing the macro input and output ports (ioplacer).
- Generating the power distribution network (pdn).
- /results/ *.def , contains the design Core Area.
- run_placement - Performing global placement (RePLace).
- Perfroming detailed placement to legalize the globally placed components (OpenDP).
Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS)
- Synthesizing the clock tree (TritonCTS).
- Performing global routing to generate a guide file for the detailed router (FastRoute).
- Performing detailed routing (TritonRoute)
GDSII Generation
- Streaming out the final GDSII layout file from the routed def (Magic).
cd OpenLane/
make mount
{ If Error occurs use the below commands in OpenLane directory:
sudo chown $USER /var/run/docker.sock
PYTHON_BIN=python3 make mount
./flow.tcl -interactive
package require openlane 0.9
prep -design picorv32a
At the begining a synthesis strategy exploration can be done using OpenLane command ./flow.tcl -design vsdmemsoc synth_explore
The ouput gives area estimation for different stratagies.
Image of synthesis stratagies table
After running synthesis, Pre-layout STA report and chip Area information is available.
Image of synthesis STA, Power
yosys report
.def file is created. Can be viewed using magic tool using the command magic -d XR -T /home/pa1mantri/.volare/sky130A/libs.tech/magic/sky130A.tech lef read ../../tmp/merged.nom.lef def read vsdmemsoc.def &
tech and lef information is also provided to the magic tool.
.def file is created. Global and detailed placements happens during this step.
.def file opened through magic tool using tech and lef files.
Up-until now, an ideal clock is considered. Now real clock gets into the picture.
Clock Tree for the entire design
Power Report and Clock skew report
Routing Congestion view from OpenRoad
Power and Clock skew report
GDS Stands for Graphic Design Standard. This is the file that is sent to the foundry and is called as "tape-out".
GDS file from OpenRoad
Flow completed with zero violations
Total Summary file generated at the end of the flow with all the details