This is project create template boilerplate for react-native
- Features
- Features Optional
- Folder Structure Conventions
- Installation
- Document
- Inspired by
- Contributing
- Author
- License
- React-native template
- Reanimated v2
- TypeScript
- Support path alias
- React navigation
- React navigation shared element
- Styled components
- Recoil
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Commit lint
- Husky
- Lint-staged
- Config variables for React Native apps
- React native vector icons
- Support custom fonts
├── __tests__ # Folder test
├── ios # Folder ios
├── android # Folder android
├── src # Source files
| ├── assets # Place contain images, fonts ...
| | ├── fonts # Place contain custom fonts
| ├── components # Place contain common components
| ├── routes # Place contain react navigation
| ├── screens # Place contain screens
| ├── stores # Place contain global stores recoil
| ├── styles # Place contain styled theme global
npx react-native init <name project> --template react-native-template-haiau
- The project used library babel-plugin-module-resolver to support path alias import file
- Guide used:
- Step 1: Create any directory in the folder
- Step 2: Run command for the auto-apply new folder in path alias
npx react-native add-path-alias
- Step 1: Create any directory in the folder
- Guide used advanced commit lint custom rule scope:
- Assume you want to commit code with a prefix
is number ticket of project
git commit -m "CMS-0001: Commit template"
- Please custom file
module.exports = {
extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
plugins: ['commitlint-plugin-function-rules'],
rules: {
'type-empty': [2, 'always'],
'subject-empty': [2, 'always'],
'scope-enum': [0], // level: disabled
'function-rules/scope-enum': [
2, // level: error
(parsed) => {
const scopeEnum = parsed.header.split(':');
const scopes = [
regex: /CMS-(\d+)/g,
messageError: 'scope must is format CMS-XXXX',
const getIndex = scopes.findIndex(
(scope) => scope.regex.test(scopeEnum) === false,
if (getIndex === -1) {
return [true];
return [false, scopes[getIndex].messageError];
- Step 1: Add the font you want into the directory
- Step 2: Run command linking
npx react-native link
- Support detect language device
npx react-native add-i18n
if you want custom advanced i18n please reference the link i18n
Create template for react-native
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Pham Minh Hai Au