This is an attempt to create the first (to our knowledge) patent-application automation software based on blockchain on a distributed ledger.
The idea is to create patent documents as digital assests that can be timestamped without any possibilty of back-dating or tampering. Of course, patents proper are not the only asset that we aim to create. We take a broad view on the matter and will include different forms of intellectual ownership and special forms of copy rights. The main idea is to emancipate the inventers and patent holders from the time-consuming constraints of centralized, government-based patetnt institutes. Once we have the core structure in place, our team of lawyers will come up with the detailed form the ledger will have.
- GunDB for scalable realtime sync of databases containing the patents
- A general DLT scheme, perhaps we'll use Hyperledge Ihora but we prefer to do it from scratch
- Deciding the extent of off-chaining and its solutions
If you are interested in contributing to the project, let us know; we are always looking for new minds.
The credit for the original idea of automating patent and license registry and emancipating them from centralization belongs to the novelist Charles Stross.