This website was the 2014-2015 Pitt RAS Website. But it can't be built anymore (at least not easily). A "development" version that can be built can be found here but the content is old.
This website is for Robotics and Automation Society at University of Pittsburgh. Developed by Zhijie Wang in 2014. The website is a static HTML using Jekyll as compiling tool, Hanlebar and CSS for templating. The theme is originally forked from Jekyll theme "Minimal Mistake".
To develop this wbsite, suggest *NIX environment. In widows, prefer setup is a Linux Virtual Box. However, it is possible via RailsInsrtaller.
- Ruby runtime, > 1.9.3 (use RVM for quick setup and gem management)
- A text IDE
- A webbrowser with development tools.
First of all, clone this repository. Then change the current working directory to the cloned directory. run the following commands:
bundle install
jekyll serve
If the setup is correct, you should see similar output in command line:
$ minimal-mistakes-master jekyll serve
Configuration file: /Users/zhijewang/Developer/jekyll theme/minimal-mistakes-master/_config.yml
Source: /Users/zhijewang/Developer/jekyll theme/minimal-mistakes-master
Destination: /Users/zhijewang/Developer/jekyll theme/minimal-mistakes-master/_site
Configuration file: /Users/zhijewang/Developer/jekyll theme/minimal-mistakes-master/_config.yml
Server address:
Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
Consult this page for Jekyll env task, link.
To use output the static site use this
jekyll build --config _config_production.yml