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Aram Zucker-Scharff edited this page Jan 10, 2014 · 3 revisions

The following meta fields and data are passed to stories that PressForward users take all the way to draft posts. They can be retrieved and displayed in templates with get_post_meta.

  • origin_item_ID - The unique ID of the feed-item within the PressForward site.
  • nomination_count - The number of times a feed-item was nominated.
  • submitted_by - The numerical user ID who first submitted the post.
  • nomination_permalink - A permanent link to the original story location.
  • authors - A string with the authors of the original post (when available).
  • date_nominated - The date the item was sent to nomination.
  • item_tags - A string of tags from the original item.
  • nominator_array - an array of users or a single string representing the user IDs of all users who nominated the post. [Needs work]
  • source_repeat - If the same item was retrieved by more than one feed (accounts for aggregation feeds) this lists the number of different feeds that attempted to retrieve it.
  • item_feed_post_id - The post_ID assigned to the origonal feed-item when it entered the PressForward system.