This app is a revision of STEMClasses which was primitive but did not reach the scope that was invisioned at the beginning. Instead it creates an intuitive UI that allows the user to have a better understanding of their class schedule at a moments notice. The app is built ontop of Java allowing for easy cross platform use and native integration where needed.
- Simple Login System
- Notifications on Class Change
- System Tray Icon
- Cross Platform
- Autolaunch on Start
- Private Server for Schedule for API
Originally the idea was to create an application to display my schedule on my computer in a simplisitic fashion; however, after discovering many other schools are integrating similar systems a plan to provide the tool with other learning management systems became the target. By creating a server that proxies the users login information and then cache's the results a secure and verstile tool can be made to wrap any learning management system. Either the application will be paired with large learning management system companies or work directly with schools to provide them with a solution.
- Swift - OSX Native Ties
- JavaFX - UI Creation
- CalendarFX 8 - Schedule Display
- JFoenix - Material Design UI