I am a Full Stack Developer grad. I've developed Jonnovative Designs, a profile website that helped me learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Responsive Web Design. Other websites I've designed include Resume Equalizer, as well as The Reddie App. I currently work as a Front-end Developer for a financial company.
- 🧠 I'm currently contracting, working with JavaScript, TFS, scarcely VB.NET, Jira and ServiceNow.
- 👀 I’m currently learning React and related Node.js libraries to be able to deliver a full-stack experience.
- ✔️ I'm a big fan of user experience, but I'd rather implement a mock-up than turn into a full-blown designer.
- ☎️ How to reach me: codefolio.work@gmail.com or Twitter @jonamichahammo
- ⚡ Fun facts: I box 5-days a week, do stand-up comedy, and have an interest in eventually learning data science.
- ⚖️ I'm a big believer in ethics. Let's use our technical abilities to build each other up, not tear each other down!