is an open-source meta robotics operating system. With it you can easily simulate your robot before developing it in the real world.
You are going to use a virtual host to download Ubuntu and ROS and their packages, so you need Virtualbox; you can download it from this link:
This is the VirtualBox homepage when the installation is done:
After installing many versions of Ubuntu, the best version that worked & installed successfully with me is Ubuntu 20.04. So, I recommend downloading this version. For the installation instructions follow the steps in the below video.
📌 Put in mind that inatalling ROS and Ubuntu may take long time upto 2 hours.
When this process is done, you will see that you can't maximize the window & Can't copy/paste. To fix this problem you will need to download the GuestAddition, to do that, follow the following steps:
- From the upper toolbox on the Ubuntu window choose Devices then Insert Guest Additions CD image...
- Choose Run GuestAddition
- Wait until the installation is done; log out or close the window and you will see that the GuestAddition is added.
You may follow the steps in this article: or copy the commands directly:
- 1 - echo "deb focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-focal.list
- 2 - sudo apt-key adv --keyserver 'hkp://' --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654
- 3 - sudo apt update
- 4 - sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full (this package is heavy so you might need to free up some space.
- 5 - echo "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
- 6 - tail ~/.bashrc
- 7 - to verify the installation you can run: roscd, or roscore, and you can see the directory is changed like this:
Finally, you can find Gazebo in the files/programs.
Now you are done! Have fun making you robot real 👏
Notes: In case you want to install Gazebo, make sure to download the ros-noetic-desktop-full package. gazebo which is a user-interface software simulator including libraries and cloud services.