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it harasses zingel

Zingel Harasser.
Zingel Harasser.


  1. Open the file either on a code editor i.e VSC (Visual Studio Code).
  2. Open the command line and type npm install discord.js then type npm install dotenv.
  3. Go to your Discord Developers Applications and create a new bot | You can use an existing one.
  4. Get your bots token.
  5. Make a new file in Zingel-Harasser-main called .env then enter the following TOKEN=ENTERYOURTOKENHERE.
  6. Run ts-node index.ts
  7. If you want your own emoji replace <:zingel:924360562652114974> with your own emoji or just delete that line if you don't want it to react.
  8. Enjoy :)

You can replace the replies and message that triggers it by editing the code in index.ts at lines 11-15 here