I’m Ricardo Antunes, currently a student of Computer Science and Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.
My main area of interest in software engineering was initially game development - I learned a lot writing my own game engines during the final years of high school. Today, I'm doing a masters on distributed systems and cyber security.
Although I'm not pursuing studies in game development, I still find it really interesting and fun! I'm currently leading the Cubos team, and our goal is to develop an open-source ECS based voxel game engine.
Overall, my main interests are:
- Proof Assistants and Type Theory
- Functional Programming
- Distributed Systems
- Compilers
- Game Engine Development
Within the game (engine) development part, I'm really interested in:
- GPU programming, from physics to graphics
- Entity Component System, it's cool to apply database concepts to games
- Autonomous Agents