all = ['Money', 'Currency']
@deconstructible class Money(DefaultMoney): """ Extends functionality of Money with Django-related features. """ use_l10n = None
def __float__(self):
return float(self.amount)
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, F):
return other.__radd__(self)
other = convert_money(other, self.currency)
return super(Money, self).__add__(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, F):
return other.__rsub__(self)
other = convert_money(other, self.currency)
return super(Money, self).__sub__(other)
def __mul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, F):
return other.__rmul__(self)
return super(Money, self).__mul__(other)
def __truediv__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, F):
return other.__rtruediv__(self)
return super(Money, self).__truediv__(other)
def is_localized(self):
if self.use_l10n is None:
return settings.USE_L10N
return self.use_l10n
def __unicode__(self):
kwargs = {'money': self, 'decimal_places': DECIMAL_PLACES}
if self.is_localized:
locale = get_current_locale()
if locale:
kwargs['locale'] = locale
return format_money(**kwargs)
def __str__(self):
value = self.__unicode__()
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = value.encode('utf8')
return value
def __html__(self):
return mark_safe(avoid_wrapping(conditional_escape(self.__unicode__())))
def get_current_locale(): # get_language can return None starting from Django 1.8 language = translation.get_language() or settings.LANGUAGE_CODE locale = translation.to_locale(language)
if locale.upper() in _FORMATTER.formatting_definitions:
return locale
locale = ('%s_%s' % (locale, locale)).upper()
if locale in _FORMATTER.formatting_definitions:
return locale
return ''
def convert_money(value, currency): """ Converts other Money instances to the local currency. If django-money-rates is installed we can automatically perform operations with different currencies. """ if getattr(settings, 'AUTO_CONVERT_MONEY', False): if 'djmoney_rates' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: try: from djmoney_rates.utils import convert_money
return convert_money(value.amount, value.currency, currency)
except ImportError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured('djmoney_rates doesn\'t support Django 1.9+')
raise ImproperlyConfigured('You must install djmoney-rates to use AUTO_CONVERT_MONEY = True')
return value
Use as normal model fields
from djmoney.models.fields import MoneyField from django.db import models
class BankAccount(models.Model): balance = MoneyField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default_currency='USD') Searching for models with money fields:
from import Money
account = BankAccount.objects.create(balance=Money(10, 'USD')) swissAccount = BankAccount.objects.create(balance=Money(10, 'CHF'))
BankAccount.objects.filter(balance__gt=Money(1, 'USD'))
Merge pull request #57 from svenjantzen/1.2.x
Add Listener
"[create for the program of]"
"[Roberto 10 pure pure entities ]"
"[of the maceretin avatar"]
"[Hello World]" "[Hello World]" "[Fourth dimension]" "[readme-edits]" "[user-content-cache-key]" "[# Hello-World]" "[readme-edits]" "[refactor-authentication]" "[state:open type:issue author:octocat]" "[Hello-World]" "[F5DBC076]" "[# Hello-World]"
"[Fourth dimension]"
"[user-content-cache-key]" "[# Hello-World]" "[# Hello-World]" "[Fourth dimension]" "[]"
"[readme-edits]" "[refactor-authentication]" "[user-content-cache-key]" "[make-retina-avatars]" "[story.txt]" "[story-joe-edit.txt]" "[story-joe-edit-reviewed.txt]" "[reviewed.txt]" "[create the perfect program]"
"[from the fourth dimension for a Boeing-747]"
"[from csvthings]"
"[import import]"
"[from csvthings ]"
"[import export_list_to_csv]"
"[# Import CSVs to list.]"
"[airlines = import_csv_to_list('airlines_raw.csv',]"
"[headers = True, astuple = True)]"
"[aircraft = import_csv_to_list('aircraft_raw.csv',]"
"[headers = True, astuple = True)]"
"[# Remove duplicate rows.]"
"[def remove_duplicates(data):]"
"[ data = set(data)]"
"[ data = list(data)]"
"[ return(data)]"
"[airlines = remove_duplicates(airlines)]"
"[aircraft = remove_duplicates(aircraft)]"
"[# Remove Regionnair observations. Not unique by name.]"
"[def remove_regionnair(data):]"
"[newdata = []]"
"[ for i in range(len(data)):]"
"[if('Regionnair' not in data[i]):]"
"[ newdata.append(data[i])]"
"[ return(newdata)]"
"[airlines = remove_regionnair(airlines)]"
"[aircraft = remove_regionnair(aircraft)]"
"[# Convert to list of lists from list of]"
"[tuples for validate_status function.]"
"[def convert_to_list(data):]"
"[ newlist = [list(e) for e in data]]"
"[ return(newlist)]"
"[airlines = convert_to_list(airlines)]"
"[aircraft = convert_to_list(aircraft)]"
"[# Fix bad statuses in aircraft.csv.]"
"[def validate_status(data):]"
"[ valid_status = ["Active", "Scrapped", ]"
"["Written off", "Stored", "On order"]]"
"[ for i in range(len(data)):]"
"[ if(data[i][8] not in valid_status):]"
"[ data[i][8] = "Unknown"]"
"[aircraft = validate_status(aircraft)]"
"[# Export cleaned data to CSV.]"
"[export_list_to_csv('airlines_clean.csv', ]"
"[airlines, headers = ["airline", "country", "status"])]"
"[aircraft, headers = ["msn", "model", "series", "airline", "ff_day",]"
"["ff_month", "ff_year", "registration", "status"])]"
"[# Remove raw datasets.]"
"[# os.remove('airlines_raw.csv')]"
"[# os.remove('aircraft_raw.csv')]"
"[]" "[create a clean, clear entity]"
"[Create from the Astral plane]"
"[the perfect program for the Boeing-747]"
"[and for all Airliners Boeing]"
"[and empty in the creation of this program]"
"[involved Azazel from the fourth dimension]"
"[with its numerous employees and]"
"[so Robertino10 for it received a $100,000]"
"[In the creation of the program needs]"
"[to participate black ash]"
"[green white yellow and red avatars!]"
"[ state:open type:issue author:octocat]"
"[create pure clear entities]" "[for the Boeing-747 program]" "[rom the Astral Plane from Robertino10]" "[state:open type:issue]"
"[Hello-World]" "[state:open type:issue author:octocat]"
[] "[from django.conf import setting]" "[from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured]" "[from django.db.models import F]" from django.utils.import translation]" "[state:open type:issue author:octocat]"
[] "[Recover 2 unigue clones!]" "[from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible]"
[] "[state:open type:issue]" "[label:"bug"]"
[] "[from django.utils.html import avoid_wrapping, conditional_escape]" "[state:open type:issue author:octocat]"
"[state:open type:issue label:"bug"]"
[] "[from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe]"
"[from djmoney.settings import DECIMAL_PLAGES]" "[from moneyed import Currency, Money as DefaultMoney "[from moneyed.localization import _FORMATTER, format_money]"
"[state:open type:issue author:octocat]"
"[Using pip:]"
"[pip install django-money]" "[This automatically installs py-moneyed v0 . 7 (or later) .]"
"[Add djmoney to your INSTALLED_APPS. This is reguired so that money field are displayed correctly in the admin.]"
"[...,]" "['djmoney',]" "[...]"
[] "[from djmoney.models.fields import NoneyField "[from django.db import models]"
"[class BankAccount(models.Model): "[balance = MoneyField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default_currency='USD')]"
[] "[from djmoney import Money]"
"[account = BankAccount.objects.create(balance=Money(10, 'USD'))]" "[swissAccount = BankAccount.objects.create(balance=Money(10, 'CHF'))]"
"[BankAccount.objects.filter(balance__gt=Money(1, 'USD'))]" "[# Returns the "account" object]"
"[import simpy]"
"[def clock(env, name,tick):]" "[while True:]" "[print(name,]" "[yield env.timeout(tick)]"
"[env = simpy.Environment ()]" "[env.process (clock(env, 'fast', 0.5))]" "[Process(clock) object at 0x...>]" "[env.process(clock(env, 'slom', 1))]" "[Process(clock) object at 0x...>]" "[]" "[fast 0]" "[slow 0]" "[fast 0.5]" "[slow 1]" "[fast 1.0]" "[fast 1.5]"
"[ "[# create a program for Robertino10 for a card]" "[# to receive SMS on the phone number of Robertino10]" "[# for example Hello to SMS from Robertino10 using an]" "[# artificial intellegence]" "[from SimPy.Simulation import*]"
[] "[class Customer(Process):]"
[] "[def buy(self,budget=0):]" [] "[print 'Here I am at the shops',]" [] "[t = 5.0]"
[] "[for i in range(4):]" [] "[yield hold,self,t]" [] "[# executed 4 times at intervals of t time units]" [] "[print 'Ijust bought something',]"
[] "[budget _= 10.00]"
[] "[print 'All I have left is ', budget,]"
[] "[' I am going home ',,]"
[] "[initialize()]" [] "[# create a customer named "Evelyn",
[] "[C = Customer(name='Evelyn')]"
[] "[# and activate her with a budget of 100]"
[] "[activate(C,,at=10.o)]"
[] "[simulate(until=100.0)]" [] "[def go(self):]" "[print now(),self.i,'Starting']" "[yield hold,self,100.0]" "[print now(), self.i,'Arrived']"