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_1125c library!

Hey, and welcome to everyone's favorite FTC library, the famed, the legendary, the incredible, the miraculous _1125c library! To be honest, I'm not sure if this is the name which the library will have forever, or if it'll be changed at a later date, but for now, it's here to stay.


This is designed to be a super expansive and feature rich library to aid in your development of FTC robots. Everything here is (hopefully) incredibly well-documented and shouldn't be too hard to understand. It's important to note that because this is still all written in Java, you don't have to make use of every single feature this library provides - rather, you can just pick and choose the features you'd like to use, and use whatever standardized method you'd like for the rest of your codebase.


As of now, the only author is me, Colin Robertson. If you'd like to contribute, you're more than welcome to! I'm always open to having help, because, to be honest, it seems like a lot of work to have to manage a library like this and keep it in support for many years after I've phased out of the FTC program. I wrote this library because I'm passionate about programming, robotics, and the FIRST Tech Challenge, and this gives me a fantastic opportunity to implement all three of those in a single project.


Documentation is, for the most part, provided within the library. Just about everything is attached to a JavaDoc, so nothing should be at all hard to find documentation for. To add to that, a lot of the stuff in this library is documented inside the examples folder.

TODO Board

  • Implement additional controller states, and account for potential dead-zones on the controller's joysticks.
  • Make more autonomous debug features
  • Improve controller mapping
  • MAYBE try to implement JavaScript and / or Groovy? (This is a much longer-term project.)
  • Try to streamline the Command interface so everything isn't so painfully long.