🏄 Analysis climate data for a business venture.
The goal of the analysis is to investigate the temperature trends for investors of a surf shop. The months of June and December are compared to determine if the surf and ice cream shop business is sustainable year-round.
Summary statistics were generated for June and December using all dates included in the dataset. It is not limited by year. The summary statistics for the recorded temperature, measured in degrees Farenhight can be seen in June_temp_stats.png and Dec_temp_stats.png.
- The blue circle highlights the average temperature for the respective month.
- June is four degrees warmer than December.
- The red rectangle highlights the minimum temperature recorded for the respective month.
- The lowest temperature in June is eight degrees warmer than the lowest temperature in December.
- The yellow rectangle is the highest recorded temperature for the respective month.
- The highest temperature in June is three degrees warmer than the highest temperature in December.
🌧️ Additional queries were performed to gather the amount of precipitation for June and December. The summary statistics for the amount of precipitation can be seen in June_prcp_stats.png and Dec_prcp_stats.png.
- The green rectangle is the maximum amount of precipitation that occurred for any given day during the month.
- December had a higher maximum amount of precipitation than June.
The difference in the average temperature and the maximum recorded temperature for June and December are reasonably slight, so temperature fluctuations throughout the year should not negatively impact the business. The lowest recorded temperature difference may have a more considerable impact on the business during the winter months as there is a more significant fluctuation between the average and the lowest recorded temperature.
One of the principal investor’s significant concerns is the amount of potential precipitation effect on the business. At the same time, June has more counts of precipitation than December because zero precipitation is numerically recorded in the dataset. December does have a higher maximum amount of precipitation than June and a higher standard deviation indicating it is more likely for there to be precipitation during December than June. This supports the earlier assessment that business may be impacted in the winter months.