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Test Cases ucvm2mesh mpi

meihuisu edited this page May 29, 2019 · 16 revisions

Testing ucvm2mesh_mpi

There mpi versions of mesh building utilities. ucvm2mesh_mpi and ucvm2mesh_mpi_layer utilities are advanced features of ucvm and the documentation is limited. In this section, we describe several details that may help these advanced users get useful results from these codes.

General Information

  qs = 50.0 * (vs / 1000.0);
  qp = 2.0 * qs;
  • If the mesh types is invalid (e.g. missing dash), it runs, but never returns a mesh.
  • output file creates a useful summary about the mesh which includes:
[0] Max Vp: 8530.947266 at
[0]	i,j,k : 237, 53, 14
[0] Max Vs: 5225.743652 at
[0]	i,j,k : 237, 54, 13
[0] Max Rho: 3174.164062 at
[0]	i,j,k : 119, 60, 15
[0] Min Vp: 500.000000 at
[0]	i,j,k : 127, 58, 0
[0] Min Vs: 500.000000 at
[0]	i,j,k : 127, 58, 0
[0] Min Rho: 1909.786255 at
[0]	i,j,k : 204, 110, 0
[0] Min Ratio: 1.000000 at
[0]	i,j,k : 127, 58, 0
  • If none of velocity model had data for a query point, ucvm2mesh_mpi exited with an error. For this reason, when querying cvms5 (aka cvm-s4.26 which has no background model) we needed to add a background model in our model list, to build our example meshes.

Test Case 1:

Confirm that the ucvm2mesh and ucvm2mesh-mpi produce the same results. Then print the mesh point using and compare the media files using diff.

Config: small region, no rotation, x=40,y=20,z=10 ,vertex center, 8000 pts, 1km spacing

The files are compared and there are no differences. The *.media files are compared and there are no differences.

Test Case 2:

Determine impact of center, and vertex settings. The Vertex setting sets the origin at exactly the given point, while Center setting moves the lat/lon point to the center of the cell and queries properties there. Show that the query point changes slightly depending in this setting

Config A: small region, no rotation, x=40,y=20,z=10 ,vertex center, 1km spacing with origin at 34, -118.0

The number of mesh points is the same for Center or Vertex. The shows that the mesh points are slightly different. The results also show the indices order in the output file with fast x, y, z

Center result:

0, 0 : -117.994639, 34.004553
1, 0 : -117.983811, 34.004640
2, 0 : -117.972984, 34.004726

Vertex result:

0, 0 : -118.000000, 34.000000
1, 0 : -117.989173, 34.000088
2, 0 : -117.978346, 34.000174

Test case 3:

Establish the the x, y directions, with and without rotation. Run two small meshes, one rotation negative 90, and another rotation postive 90 degrees with Config A.

no rotation end points:

0, 0 : -117.994639, 34.004553
39, 19 : -117.573488, 34.178591

negative 90 rotation end points:

0, 0 : -117.994534, 33.995535
39, 19 : -117.785601, 33.64531

postive 90 rotation end points:

0, 0 : -118.005467, 34.004465
39, 19 : -118.216216, 34.354259

As expected, the three end points form right angles, but they do not look east/west or north/south as expected. Possibly the projection is making these look like they are not east/west, but this is what we got.

Negative rotation is clockwise, which is consistent with the source code comments that say “ proj rotation angle in degrees, (+ is counter-clockwise)”

Test Case 4:

Determine the impact of the ijk12, ijk32 options testing either IJK-12, IJK-20, IJK-32, or SORD format. Compare size of grid files from ijk-12 and ijk-32 to start and then SORD format

On completion output file sizes are:

-rw-r--r--  1 maechlin scec     19K Mar 29 22:00 mesh_cvms5_ijk12_1000m_mpi.grid
-rw-r--r--  1 maechlin scec     94K Mar 29 22:00

-rw-r--r--  1 maechlin scec     19K Mar 29 22:02 mesh_cvms5_ijk32_1000m_mpi.grid
-rw-r--r--  1 maechlin scec    250K Mar 29 22:02

-rw-r--r--  1 maechlin scec     19K Mar 29 22:04 mesh_cvms5_sord_1000m_mpi.grid
-rw-r--r--  1 maechlin scec     32K Mar 29 22:05 mesh_cvms5_sord_1000m_mpi.media_rho
-rw-r--r--  1 maechlin scec     32K Mar 29 22:05 mesh_cvms5_sord_1000m_mpi.media_vp
-rw-r--r--  1 maechlin scec     32K Mar 29 22:05 mesh_cvms5_sord_1000m_mpi.media_vs

Test Case 5:

Determine what happens if the mesh requests material properties from an undefined region. Indications are mesh extraction exits Extract a mesh, with and without a background model. The background model test completes successfully.

Extract from cvms5 and then from cvms5,1d. The first extraction exits after building the grid file. The second extraction, the one with 1D background model completes successfully.

Test Case 6:

Confirm that a model with a background model extracts without existing. Use cvmsi as models. Extraction completed without error, so models with background model complete without errors.

Test Case 7:

Check the impact of setting min Vp and min Vs values. Run a model, with low VS values, with the min VS in ucvm2mesh.conf to 0, which should turn off min Vs then use the minVs report in the ucvm2mesh output file to identify the min VS in the mesh.

With MinVS and MinVS to to 0 (updated ucvm2mesh.conf to set min vp and min vs to 0)
[0] Max Vp: 8530.947266 at
[0]	i,j,k : 237, 53, 14
[0] Max Vs: 5225.743652 at
[0]	i,j,k : 237, 54, 13
[0] Max Rho: 3174.164062 at
[0]	i,j,k : 119, 60, 15
[0] Min Vp: 283.636932 at
[0]	i,j,k : 204, 110, 0
[0] Min Vs: 138.720001 at
[0]	i,j,k : 194, 82, 0
[0] Min Rho: 1909.786255 at
[0]	i,j,k : 204, 110, 0
[0] Min Ratio: 1.414214 at
[0]	i,j,k : 125, 62, 0

With MinVS and MinVP set to 200 (This result re-used from test case 6)

[0] Max Vp: 8530.947266 at
[0]	i,j,k : 237, 53, 14
[0] Max Vs: 5225.743652 at
[0]	i,j,k : 237, 54, 13
[0] Max Rho: 3174.164062 at
[0]	i,j,k : 119, 60, 15
[0] Min Vp: 200.000000 at
[0]	i,j,k : 127, 58, 0
[0] Min Vs: 200.000000 at
[0]	i,j,k : 127, 58, 0
[0] Min Rho: 1909.786255 at
[0]	i,j,k : 204, 110, 0
[0] Min Ratio: 1.000000 at
[0]	i,j,k : 127, 58, 0

For the top case, it looks like the min Vp is above 200m/s. the min Vs is 194 which should be removed if min Vs is set to 200.

In the second case, the min Vs is set to 200. However the min Vp is also set to 200. So, this shows there are rules in ucvm min Vs processing that maintains a reasonable Vp, Vs ratio, which is: /* Apply min Vs */

if (vs < vs_min)
	vs = vs_min;
	vp = vp_min;

Test Case 8:

Describe the differences between the data formats IJK12, IJK20, IJK32, and SORD


typedef enum mesh_format_t { MESH_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0,
			     MESH_FORMAT_SORD} mesh_format_t;

typedef struct mesh_ijk32_t {
  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  float vp;
  float vs;
  float rho;
  float qp;
  float qs;
} mesh_ijk32_t;
typedef struct mesh_ijk20_t {
  float vp;
  float vs;
  float rho;
  float qp;
  float qs;
} mesh_ijk20_t;
typedef struct mesh_ijk12_t {
  float vp;
  float vs;
  float rho;
} mesh_ijk12_t;
typedef struct mesh_sord_t {
  float val;
} mesh_sord_t;

Then the write statements are:

    ptr1_ijk12 = (mesh_ijk12_t *)node_buf_serial1;
    for (i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
      ptr1_ijk12[i].vp = nodes[i].vp;
      ptr1_ijk12[i].vs = nodes[i].vs;
      ptr1_ijk12[i].rho = nodes[i].rho;
    if (fwrite(node_buf_serial1, meshrecsize_serial, node_count,
	       meshfp1) != node_count) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write to mesh file\n");
    ptr1_ijk20 = (mesh_ijk20_t *)node_buf_serial1;
    for (i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
      ptr1_ijk20[i].vp = nodes[i].vp;
      ptr1_ijk20[i].vs = nodes[i].vs;
      ptr1_ijk20[i].rho = nodes[i].rho;
      ptr1_ijk20[i].qp = nodes[i].qp;
      ptr1_ijk20[i].qs = nodes[i].qs;
    if (fwrite(node_buf_serial1, meshrecsize_serial, node_count,
	       meshfp1) != node_count) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write to mesh file\n");
    ptr1_ijk32 = (mesh_ijk32_t *)node_buf_serial1;
    for (i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
      ptr1_ijk32[i].i = nodes[i].i;
      ptr1_ijk32[i].j = nodes[i].j;
      ptr1_ijk32[i].k = nodes[i].k;
      ptr1_ijk32[i].vp = nodes[i].vp;
      ptr1_ijk32[i].vs = nodes[i].vs;
      ptr1_ijk32[i].rho = nodes[i].rho;
      ptr1_ijk32[i].qp = nodes[i].qp;
      ptr1_ijk32[i].qs = nodes[i].qs;
    if (fwrite(node_buf_serial1, meshrecsize_serial, node_count,
	       meshfp1) != node_count) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write to mesh file\n");
    ptr1_sord = (mesh_sord_t *)node_buf_serial1;
    ptr2_sord = (mesh_sord_t *)node_buf_serial2;
    ptr3_sord = (mesh_sord_t *)node_buf_serial3;
    for (i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
      ptr1_sord[i].val = nodes[i].vp;
      ptr2_sord[i].val = nodes[i].vs;
      ptr3_sord[i].val = nodes[i].rho;

Test Case 9:

We tested whether changing the UTM project from Zone 11 to Zone 10 would generate a different set of Lat/Lons in a ucvm mesh. Using ucvm2mesh-mpi, we setup a small problem and ran identical meshes, changing only the utm zone in the projection specification. Using the utility and the output *.grid file, we see that the lat/lon points do differ. See points below:

-bash-4.2$ more dump_utm11_small.txt
0, 0 : -117.994639, 34.004553
1, 0 : -117.983811, 34.004640
2, 0 : -117.972984, 34.004726
3, 0 : -117.962156, 34.004811
4, 0 : -117.951328, 34.004895
5, 0 : -117.940501, 34.004979
6, 0 : -117.929673, 34.005061
7, 0 : -117.918845, 34.005142
8, 0 : -117.908017, 34.005223
9, 0 : -117.897189, 34.005302
10, 0 : -117.886361, 34.005381
11, 0 : -117.875533, 34.005458
12, 0 : -117.864705, 34.005535
13, 0 : -117.853877, 34.005610
14, 0 : -117.843049, 34.005685
15, 0 : -117.832221, 34.005759
16, 0 : -117.821392, 34.005832
17, 0 : -117.810564, 34.005903
18, 0 : -117.799736, 34.005974
19, 0 : -117.788907, 34.006044
20, 0 : -117.778079, 34.006113
21, 0 : -117.767251, 34.006181
22, 0 : -117.756422, 34.006248
23, 0 : -117.745594, 34.006314
24, 0 : -117.734765, 34.006380
25, 0 : -117.723937, 34.006444
26, 0 : -117.713108, 34.006507
27, 0 : -117.702279, 34.006569
28, 0 : -117.691451, 34.006631
29, 0 : -117.680622, 34.006691
30, 0 : -117.669793, 34.006751
31, 0 : -117.658965, 34.006809
32, 0 : -117.648136, 34.006867
33, 0 : -117.637307, 34.00692

-bash-4.2$ more dump_utm10_small.txt
0, 0 : -117.994342, 34.004272
1, 0 : -117.983555, 34.003832
2, 0 : -117.972767, 34.003390
3, 0 : -117.961980, 34.002948
4, 0 : -117.951193, 34.002504
5, 0 : -117.940406, 34.002060
6, 0 : -117.929620, 34.001615
7, 0 : -117.918834, 34.001169
8, 0 : -117.908048, 34.000721
9, 0 : -117.897262, 34.000273
10, 0 : -117.886477, 33.999824
11, 0 : -117.875691, 33.999374
12, 0 : -117.864906, 33.998923
13, 0 : -117.854122, 33.998471
14, 0 : -117.843337, 33.998019
15, 0 : -117.832553, 33.997565
16, 0 : -117.821769, 33.997110
17, 0 : -117.810985, 33.996655
18, 0 : -117.800201, 33.996198
19, 0 : -117.789418, 33.995741
20, 0 : -117.778635, 33.995282
21, 0 : -117.767852, 33.994823
22, 0 : -117.757070, 33.994362
23, 0 : -117.746287, 33.993901
24, 0 : -117.735505, 33.993439
25, 0 : -117.724723, 33.992976
26, 0 : -117.713942, 33.992512
27, 0 : -117.703160, 33.992047
28, 0 : -117.692379, 33.991581
29, 0 : -117.681598, 33.991114
30, 0 : -117.670818, 33.990646
31, 0 : -117.660037, 33.990177
32, 0 : -117.649257, 33.989708
33, 0 : -117.638477, 33.989237

Test Case 10:

Test mesh_check. It checks to make sure that each record in the file is of the correct size. Furthermore, it checks to make sure that each value is not NaN, infinity, or negative.

  printf("Usage: %s input format\n\n",arg);
  printf("input: path to the input file\n");
  printf("format: format of file, IJK-12, IJK-20, IJK-32\n\n");

We generated a mesh and ran mesh_check and it returned:

-bash-4.2$ ../ucvmc/bin/mesh-check IJK-32
Record size is 32 bytes
Opening input file
Checked 2380800 vals total

This correctly matches the number of nodes product (384 * 248 * 25) = 2380800

mesh utilities

Meshing utilities in UCVM include

  • mesh_strip field from ijk32 to make an ijk12 output file.
  • mesh_op seems to combine (or difference) two meshes
  • mesh_check will look for negative values and other problems
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