This app was built with MVC in mind, API calls, data rendering, DOM manipulation, error handling, OOP, pagination, local storage and more!
It also allows you to search and access food recipes from an API, with an option to visit the recipes website, or bookmark that recipe to your favorites tab. You can also create your own recipe that will be saved to your favorites automatically and kept there thanks to local storage!
Deployment Page Netlify:
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Local Storage
- Error Handling
- Babel
- Parcel
- Core.js
- Fraction.js
- Regenerator
This project presented me with ample learning and knowledge of NPM packages, Node.js, and REST/API's! As well as:
- Pagination ~ Rendering a number of recipes and return results that are for that page number. Grabbing data array length, dividing that with the given input per page. Publisher subscriber pattern - button is listening for the event in the view and handles it. Targeting the closest parent element up the tree.
- MVC (Model View Controller) architecture, files broken down to enable controller to communicate with view & model. Listening for data, and calling it so it can flow between pieces of the app (Publisher subscriber)