Provision a machine to work on the Client team at FundGuard.
Tested on:
- Fedora
- Ubuntu
- macOS
Configure the system
sh <(curl -L reboot
Install Nix
Best is to use the multi-user Nix installation:
sh <(curl -L --daemon
Open a new terminal and configure the Nix packages channel to use:
nix-channel --add nix-channel --update
Install Home Manager and apply to the system
Best is to use the automatic script:
sh <(curl -L
To upgrade the system, just run Topgrade, which just upgrades everything:
- Ubuntu
- Upgrade drivers
- FundGuard
- Install BitDefender
- Install JumpCloud
- Client team
- Configure SSH to use with Azure DevOps Server
- Install Git
- Install Volta and configure it
- Personal
- Install packages
- Install Google Chrome
- Install Nerd Fonts and configure it
- Install Spotify
- Install ripgrep and integegrate it with fzf
- Install scrot
- Install xclip and set
- Install programs
- Install Atuin and set it as the default search history program
- Install Broot
- Install LSD and alias it to
- Install Neovim
- Install Coc and configure it
- Install Dracula for Vim and set it as the default theme
- Install Polyglot and configure it
- Install Surround.vim
- Install Tsserver for Coc and configure it
- Install VimDevIcons and confiture it
- Install coc-eslint and configure it
- Install commentary.vim and confiture it
- Install fugitive.vim
- Install fzf for vim and confiture it
- Install git-messenger.vim
- Install repeat.vim
- Install unimpaired.vim
- Install vim-airline and set it as the default status bar
- Install vim-gitgutter
- Install vim-highlightedyank
- Install
- Install Rofi and configure it with xmonad
- Install Tmuxinator and configure FundGuard workspace
- Install Topgrade
- Install Zsh and set it as the default shell
- Install [bat] and set it as default viewer
- Install fzf and integrate with Zsh
- Install kitty and set the Dracula theme
- Install ncspot
- Install starship and configure it
- Install tmux
- Install xmobar and configure it with xmonad
- Install xmonad
- Install packages