My Linux dotfiles. A lot of them are vary basic or barely modified but others are more advanced.
The full Hyprland setup uses the following:
- Alacritty
- Breeze theme
- Brightnessctl
- Dunst
- Firefox
- Font Awesome
- Grim
- GTKLock
- Hyprpaper
- Htop
- lxsession-gtk3
- network-manager-applet
- PipeWire
- PulseAudio volume control
- Rofi (Wayland fork)
- Rofimoji
- Slurp
- Swayidle
- Udiskie
- Thunar
- VSCode
- Waybar
Install GNU Stow and run
git clone
cd dotfiles
stow -t ~/ .
- Alacritty
- Bash
- Conky
- Dunst
- dwm (sort of)
- Fish
- Foot
- Hyprland
- Neovim
- Polybar
- Qtile
- Rofi
- st (sort of)
- Starship
- Waybar
- Zsh