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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 2 revisions

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The `creature_movement_(template)` table

This table holds all the information on each creature’s waypoints. In essence, a waypoint just defines a path that the creature will follow by going from point to point. More specifically, once the creature arrives at a point, it can do different things like cast a spell, do an emote, etc. Usually this table is filled through the .wp command (and its various subcommands) in the world.

Please note that for a creature to use waypoints, its MovementType must be 2.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(10) unsigned NO PRI 0
point int(10) unsigned NO PRI 0
position_x float NO 0
position_y float NO 0
position_z float NO 0
waittime int(5) unsigned NO 0
script mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
text1 int(11) NO 0
text2 int(11) NO 0
text3 int(11) NO 0
text4 int(11) NO 0
text5 int(11) NO 0
emote int(10) unsigned YES 0
spell int(5) unsigned YES 0
wpguid int(11) YES 0
orientation float YES 0
model1 int(11) YES 0
model2 int(11) YES 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the creature (NOT the template ID). See creature.guid


Defines the waypoint number. A creature will go from waypoint to waypoint in the order controlled by this field.


The X position of the waypoint.


The Y position of the waypoint.


The Z position of the waypoint.


The time that the creature will wait before heading to the next waypoint, in milliseconds.


Reference to creature_movement_scripts .


The text ID that the creature will say once it reaches the waypoint. There are up to 5 different texts that the creature will randomly choose from once it reaches the waypoint. See db_script_string..


The emote ID that the creature will perform once it reaches the waypoint. There are two types of emotes that creatures can perform. In the first type, oneshot emotes, the creature will perform the emote and then come back to their original spot. In the second, state emote, the creature performs the emote and will stay in that emote position or state.


The spell ID that the creature will cast once it reaches the waypoint. The spell will be casted on itself.


The GUID of the waypoint wisp that appears to signal where a creature’s waypoints are visually.


The orientation the creature will face once it reaches the waypoint.


The model that the creature morphs into once it reaches the waypoint. See creaturedisplayinfo.dbc


The model that the creature morphs into once it leaves the waypoint.

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