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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 1 revision

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The `instance_template` table

This table has all the templates for every instance. When a group enters an instance, a new copy of that instance is made from the values in these fields.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
map int(10) unsigned NO PRI
parent int(11) unsigned NO
levelMin int(10) unsigned NO 0
levelMax int(10) unsigned NO 0
maxPlayers int(10) unsigned NO 0
reset_delay int(10) unsigned NO 0
startLocX float YES None
startLocY float YES None
startLocZ float YES None
startLocO float YES None
script varchar(255) NO

Description of the fields


The map ID of the instance. See Map.dbc


If the instance is a subinstance of another instance, this field has the parent instance’s map ID.


The minimum level required to enter the instance.


The maximum level required to be able to be summoned by the meeting stone for this instance.


The maximum number of players that can enter as a group/raid in the instance.


The number of days between each global reset for the map. If zero, the value is taken from DBC files. The resulting value is multiplied by the Rate.InstanceResetTime config.


Defines the starting X location where players will be ported (if different from default).


Defines the starting Y location where players will be ported (if different from default).


Defines the starting Z location where players will be ported (if different from default).


Defines the starting orientation that players will face. (if different from default).


The name of the instance script that the instance will use and apply (if any).

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