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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 2 revisions

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The `creature_onkill_reputation` table

This table controls the reputation given by creatures when killed by other players.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
creature_id mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI 0 Creature Identifier
RewOnKillRepFaction1 smallint(6) NO 0
RewOnKillRepFaction2 smallint(6) NO 0
MaxStanding1 tinyint(4) NO 0
IsTeamAward1 tinyint(4) NO 0
RewOnKillRepValue1 mediumint(9) NO 0
MaxStanding2 tinyint(4) NO 0
IsTeamAward2 tinyint(4) NO 0
RewOnKillRepValue2 mediumint(9) NO 0
TeamDependent tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The template ID of the creature. See creature_template.entry


The faction ID of the faction that the player will gain or lose points in. See Faction.dbc


The maximum standing that the creature will award reputation until. If the player achieves this standing or any other standing higher than this, the creature will not award any reputation.

ID Rank
0 Hated
1 Hostile
2 Unfriendly
3 Neutral
4 Friendly
5 Honored
6 Revered
7 Exalted


Boolean 0 or 1 that controls if the player receives the reputation not only to the faction but also the faction team.

  • 0: Player receives reputation only for the faction
  • 1: Player receives reputation both for the faction and the faction’s team

NOTE: The reputation value that the player gains for the team (if the field is 1) is half of the value specified in RewOnKillRepValue


The reputation value that the player gains (or loses if it’s negative) by killing the creature.


Boolean 0 or 1.

  • 0: The creature will give reputation to the any player from both fields (RewOnKillRepFaction1 and RewOnKillRepFaction2) if both fields are non-zero.
  • 1: The creature will award alliance players the reputation from RewOnKillRepFaction1 and will award horde players the reputation from RewOnKillRepFaction2
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