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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 1 revision

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The `character_action` table

Contains all the individual button data for each character. A button is any of the places in the GUI where you can place for example a spell, item, or macro as a shortcut.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
button tinyint(3) unsigned NO PRI 0
action smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
type tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
misc tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The ID of the button on the action bar where the action icon will be placed.
Special bars are used for stances, auras, pets, stealth, and other similar special modes.

Possible values
Button IDs Set (key)
1-11 1 (SHIFT + 1)
12-23 2 (SHIFT + 2)
24-35 3 (SHIFT + 3) == Right Side Bar
36-47 4 (SHIFT + 4) == Right Side Bar 2
48-59 5 (SHIFT + 5) == Bottom Right Bar
60-71 6 (SHIFT + 6) == Bottom Left Bar
72-83 1 SpecialA
84-95 1 SpecialB
96-107 1 SpecialC
108-119 1 SpecialD


Depending on the type value, this could be either the spell ID (Spell.dbc), the item ID or macro ID.


The type of action:

Possible types
0 Spell
64 Macro
128 Item


More info needed here.
It is mostly 0 however it is sometimes 11.
If it is 11, the type is always 128 and the action ID is 57xxx.

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