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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 1 revision

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The `pet_aura` table

Contains aura information that is loaded when a pet is loaded, so the auras that were on the pet when the owner character logged out are still kept when they log back in. A spell can have up to three auras, one in each of its effects.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
caster_guid bigint(20) unsigned NO 0
spell int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
effect_index int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
amount int(11) NO 0
maxduration int(11) NO 0
remaintime int(11) NO 0
remaincharges int(11) NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the target affected by the aura. See character.guid


The GUID of the player or creature who casted the aura. See character.guid


The spell from which the aura was applied. See Spell.dbc column 1


The effect index of the spell from which the aura came from. A spell has up to three effects, with the index being 0, 1, or 2.


The modifier value associated with the aura.


The maximum duration of the aura.


The time remaining in seconds on the aura. -1 means that the aura is indefinite.


The number of charges remaining on the aura.

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