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Rashil Gandhi edited this page Dec 13, 2022 · 6 revisions

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How do I update my apps?

First, update Scoop to get the latest manifests:

scoop update

Then update the app, e.g. Git:

scoop update git

If you want to update all your apps at once, you can use the wildcard '*':

scoop update *

How do I install a specific version of an app?

If you need to install a specific version of an app, use scoop install [app]@[version]. E.g. for Git:

scoop install

Can I install multiple versions of a specific app with scoop?

You can install multiple versions of an app by using the @[version] syntax with the install command:

scoop install

scoop install

You also install new versions of an app by running scoop update when a new version is available: the old version will be persisted until you remove them with the scoop cleanup command.

Please note: running scoop list will show the LATEST version installed, not all of them. Run scoop info <app> to see all installed versions of a particular app.

How do I switch between different versions of an app?

Use scoop reset [app]@[version]. E.g. for terraform:

scoop reset terraform@0.11.14

will set the active installation of terraform to version 0.11.14.

scoop reset terraform@0.12.11

will reset the active installation of terraform to version 0.12.11.

scoop reset terraform

will reset the active installation of terraform to the latest installed version.

Please note: scoop reset allows you to switch only between versions that are already installed.

How do I uninstall an app?

Use scoop uninstall [app]. E.g. for Git:

scoop uninstall git

Scoop is very slow when installing, locks up the CPU, or shows access denied errors

It's likely that your antivirus or anti-malware program is doing a realtime scan as files are being extracted. Please see Antivirus and Anti-Malware Problems for more information and possible workarounds.

[todo: insert more FAQS here]