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Collection of Crates, Libraries and Repos in the Setheum Dev Stack used in Setheum and its projects


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A Collection of resources to get started for developing the Setheum ecosystem, showcases the Tech Stack used in Setheum.



Core Projects (A-Z)

  • Setheum: Powering Scalable Web3 Solutions. Setheum's EVM compatible Turing Complete L1 blockchain.

Support Tools (A-Z)

  • Setheum Console: Setheum Network Developer Console.
  • SetheumJS: Setheum's Javascript Library, SDKs & APIs.
  • Setheum Signer: Simple browser extension for managing Setheum and Substrate network accounts in a browser. Allows the signing of extrinsics using these accounts. Also provides a simple interface for compliant extensions for dapps.
  • Setheum Staking Dashboard: Setheum Staking Dashboard.
  • Setheum Node Runner: A convenience wrapper for running a Setheum node, using the Setheum Node docker image under the hood.

Guideline Resources:

Documentation Resources:

Runtime Development Specific Resources (A-Z)

  • ORML: Open Runtime Module Library for Substrate Chains.
  • Polkadot SDK: The SDK repo containing The Substrate framework, Cumulus etc.
  • Substrate: The Substrate framework, used in building the Setheum Blockchain. Now moved into the Polkadot SDK repo.

Consensus Specific Resources (A-Z)

  • AlephBFT: A rust implementation of Aleph Protocol, used in Setheum.

ZK Specific Resources (A-Z)

Bridging Specific Resources (A-Z)

  • Parity Bridges Common: Collection of Useful Bridge Building Tools.
  • Sygma SDK: A Typescript SDK to add cross-chain capabilities such as bridging tokens and sending messages across dApp projects. Built by ChainSafe.
  • Sygma Substrate Pallets: This repo contains several substrate pallet implementation for Sygma protocol.. Built by ChainSafe.

Smart Contracts (EVM/WASM) & Chain Extension (Ink!) Specific Resources (A-Z)

  • Ink!: Parity's ink! to write smart contracts.
  • Ink! Contracts Bulletin Board Example: Repository with example smart contracts and corresponding frontend.
  • Ink! Dev: Build ink contracts without worrying up about setting up your environment with correct dependencies.
  • Ink! Wrapper: Generator for typed wrappers for calling substrate smart contracts
  • Openbrush: Ink! Smart Contracts Library, like Openzeppelin for Rust.
  • OpenBrush Chain Extension library: OpenBrush Chain Extension library. Helpers crate to simplify ink! chain extension development. The library provides tools and primitives to simplify the development of chain extensions for ink! and Substrate.
  • Patron: Patron is an all-in-one contracts platform, which allows you to build and verify ink! smart contracts inside of an isolated environment, explore contract verification details.
  • PSP22: Fungible token standard for WebAssembly smart contracts running on blockchains based on the Substrate framework, like Ethereum's ERC20.
  • Rust EVM: Pure Rust implementation of Ethereum Virtual Machine.
  • Sol2Ink: Sol2Ink is a tool for easy migration from Solidity to Ink! and Rust.
  • Typechain: Tool that generates typescript bindings for ink! smart contracts.
  • WASM Contracts Indexer: WASM contracts event indexer. This is a FireSquid version of the sample squid showcasing WASM log indexing for substrate chains with a Contracts pallete

Data Processing, FrontEnd & UI Specific Resources (A-Z)

Testing, Fuzzing & Simulation Specific Resources (A-Z)

CI/CD Specific Resources

Other Resources (A-Z)

  • Parity Common: Collection of crates used in Parity projects.
  • Scribe: An easy way to generate web-based How-Tos.


Collection of Crates, Libraries and Repos in the Setheum Dev Stack used in Setheum and its projects




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