A Collection of resources to get started for developing the Setheum ecosystem, showcases the Tech Stack used in Setheum.
- Setheum: Powering Scalable Web3 Solutions. Setheum's EVM compatible Turing Complete L1 blockchain.
- Setheum Console: Setheum Network Developer Console.
- SetheumJS: Setheum's Javascript Library, SDKs & APIs.
- Setheum Signer: Simple browser extension for managing Setheum and Substrate network accounts in a browser. Allows the signing of extrinsics using these accounts. Also provides a simple interface for compliant extensions for dapps.
- Setheum Staking Dashboard: Setheum Staking Dashboard.
- Setheum Node Runner: A convenience wrapper for running a Setheum node, using the Setheum Node docker image under the hood.
- Code of Cunduct
- Contribution Guideline
- How Not To Build A Pallet Guidelines: Collection of advice on how to review and write Substrate.
- Runtime Review Guidelines: Collection of advice on how to review and write Substrate.
- Substrate Runtime Migration Guidelines: Collection of advice on how to review and write Substrate.
- Ethical DeFi Wiki: Documentation for the EthicalDeFi Suite.
- Setheum Wiki: Documentation for Setheum.
- Whitepapers: Papers for Setheum & Ethical DeFi Projects.
- ORML: Open Runtime Module Library for Substrate Chains.
- Polkadot SDK: The SDK repo containing The Substrate framework, Cumulus etc.
- Substrate: The Substrate framework, used in building the Setheum Blockchain. Now moved into the Polkadot SDK repo.
- AlephBFT: A rust implementation of Aleph Protocol, used in Setheum.
- Arkworks: The arkworks ecosystem consist of Rust libraries for designing and working with zero knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments (zkSNARKs). Libraries in the
ecosystem provide efficient implementations of all components required to implement zkSNARK applications, from generic finite fields to R1CS constraints for common functionalities. This is a set of state-of-the-art Rust libraries that collectively provide tools to program zkSNARKs. - Arkworks Algebra Intro: Quick introduction to programming with finite fields, elliptic curves, and pairings in
. - Arkworks Curves: Implementations of popular elliptic curves. This repository contains implementations of some popular elliptic curves.
- Blogs -
Team HackMD Publication: The blog of a research team @Consensys / Linea working on zero knowledge proof systems. - Blogs - Zero Knowledge Blogs by Ingonyama: Zero Knowledge Blogs by Ingonyama.
- Blogs - ZK Poker: A Simple ZK-SNARK Circuit by Geoff Lamperd in Coinmonks: ZK Poker: A Simple ZK-SNARK Circuit by Geoff Lamperd in Coinmonks.
- Ingopedia ZK/FHE resources: A curated list of ZK/FHE resources and links. 👇 Click below for the website version.
- Penumbra Poseidon377: An instantiation of the Poseidon hash for use with
. - sha2-on-cq: Halo2 circuit for SHA2 hash using CQ lookup argument.
- Tutorials - Arkworks R1CS Tutorial: Tutorial for writing constraints in the
framework using theark-relations
, andark-crypto-primitives
crates.. Introduction to SNARK Development witharkworks
. - Videos - Zero Knowledge Videos by Ingonyama: Zero Knowledge Videos by Ingonyama.
- Parity Bridges Common: Collection of Useful Bridge Building Tools.
- Sygma SDK: A Typescript SDK to add cross-chain capabilities such as bridging tokens and sending messages across dApp projects. Built by ChainSafe.
- Sygma Substrate Pallets: This repo contains several substrate pallet implementation for Sygma protocol.. Built by ChainSafe.
- Ink!: Parity's ink! to write smart contracts.
- Ink! Contracts Bulletin Board Example: Repository with example smart contracts and corresponding frontend.
- Ink! Dev: Build ink contracts without worrying up about setting up your environment with correct dependencies.
- Ink! Wrapper: Generator for typed wrappers for calling substrate smart contracts
- Openbrush: Ink! Smart Contracts Library, like Openzeppelin for Rust.
- OpenBrush Chain Extension library: OpenBrush Chain Extension library. Helpers crate to simplify ink! chain extension development. The library provides tools and primitives to simplify the development of chain extensions for ink! and Substrate.
- Patron: Patron is an all-in-one contracts platform, which allows you to build and verify ink! smart contracts inside of an isolated environment, explore contract verification details.
- PSP22: Fungible token standard for WebAssembly smart contracts running on blockchains based on the Substrate framework, like Ethereum's ERC20.
- Rust EVM: Pure Rust implementation of Ethereum Virtual Machine.
- Sol2Ink: Sol2Ink is a tool for easy migration from Solidity to Ink! and Rust.
- Typechain: Tool that generates typescript bindings for ink! smart contracts.
- WASM Contracts Indexer: WASM contracts event indexer. This is a FireSquid version of the sample squid showcasing WASM log indexing for substrate chains with a Contracts pallete
- Generate Type Bundle: Generate valid
JSON file for polkadotJSApiPromise
. - Oracle Dispatcher: Setheum Oracle Dispatcher.
- PolkadotJS Org: The Ultimate Substrate JS Organization for PolkadotJS and related works.
- Substrate API Sidecar: REST service making it easy to interact with Substrate nodes.
- Substrate Connect: Run Wasm Light Clients of any Substrate based chain directly in your browser.
- Substrate Playground: Start hacking your substrate runtime in a web based VSCode like IDE.
- Subquery/SubQL: SubQuery allows every Substrate/Polkadot team to process and query their data.
- SubXT Extensions: Convenient extensions to the
- Substrate Martix/Element Faucet: Substrate Martix/Element Faucet.
- Traffic Maker: Fabulous bots making some noise on Substrate-based chains.
- Zombienet: A cli tool to easily spawn ephemeral Substrate networks and perform tests against them.
- GitHub Actions: GitHub actions.
- GitHub Actions Runners Exporter: Calls GitHub API for total count of Actions' runners and exports them to be scrapped by Prometheus.
- GitHub Actions Validator: GitHub actions validator.
- Parity Common: Collection of crates used in Parity projects.
- Scribe: An easy way to generate web-based How-Tos.