Statistical models to predict incident are often based on variables, Here, I pursued some main goal. Such as, I train an artificial neural network with dataset and predict the diabetes(Target value of 0/1).
The datasets consists of several medical predictor variables and one target variable, Outcome.
Preg = Number of times pregnant.
GLU = Plasma glucose concentration a 2 hours in an oral glucose tolerance test
BP = Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)
ST = Triceps skin fold thickness (mm)
INS = 2-Hour serum insulin (mu U/ml)
BMI = Body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m)^2)
DPF = Diabetes pedigree function
Age = Age in years
Outcome = 1 - YES (meaning the patient might Diabetes); 0 - NO (the patient doesn't Diabetes).
Number of Observation Units: 768.
Variable Number: 9