Note Maker is a web application designed for making and saving notes. Easily create and save your notes. Access a list of all your saved notes, make changes to your existing notes effortlessly, and remove unwanted notes with a simple delete button. Functionality
The main features of the Note Maker web app include:
- Create Notes: Easily create and save your notes.
- View All Notes: Access a list of all your saved notes.
- Edit Notes: Make changes to your existing notes effortlessly.
- Delete Notes: Remove unwanted notes with a simple delete function. Technologies Used
Front-End Development
- Bootstrap 4
Back-End Development
- Java
- JSP Servlets
- Hibernate
- Maven Support
- Sql/Mysql
- Tomcat Server
This Website is built for following purpose:-
- The web app is designed with a user-friendly interface for a seamless note-taking experience.
- This is a mini-project developed using Java, Hibernate, and Bootstrap, focusing on simplicity and core functionality.
Project Structure
The project follows a clean and simple structure, focusing on the core functionality of note creation and management.