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Reactive Markup

Reactive-Markup is still in a testing/development phase!

The main goal of Reactive Markup is to finally allow high-level GUI-programming in Haskell. Gone are the days of manually interfacing with C frameworks!

Here are some (planned) features:

  • Declarative
  • State/Event handling directly within components
  • Easy to create additional elements
  • Choose GUI framework depending on the environment

Here is a code example:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Examples.BasicElements where

import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import qualified Data.Text as T
import ReactiveMarkup.Elements.Basic
import ReactiveMarkup.Elements.Options
import ReactiveMarkup.Markup
import ReactiveMarkup.Runners.Gtk

basicElements :: SimpleMarkup '[Label '[Text, FontWeight, FontStyle, FontSize, FontColour], List '[], DynamicState, DynamicMarkup, Button '[Click, Text]] e
basicElements =
  expandMarkup $
      ( label (text "Some text")
          +: label (italicStyle // text "Italic text")
          +: list noOps [label (bold // text "Bold text"), label (bold // text "Another bold text")]
          +: [ dynamicState
                 (\i _ -> (Just $ succ i, Nothing))
                 ( flip dynamicMarkup $ \i ->
                       $ button (onClick () // text "Change Colour")
                         +: [label (fontSizePx 20 // fontColour (rainbowColour i) // text "Colourful!")]

rainbowColour :: Int -> Colour Double
rainbowColour i = blend factor3 (blend factor2 red yellow) (blend factor2 (blend factor1 red yellow) blue)
    factor1 = sin (0.35 * fromIntegral i)
    factor2 = sin (0.2 * fromIntegral i)
    factor3 = 0.5 + sin (0.25 * fromIntegral i) / 2

Here is a screenshot of the above example:

I have already added some documentation of the source code! Take a look if you are interested.

How to build yourself

First and foremost, you need to have GTK 3 installed!

This projects currently consists of:

  • reactive-markup: Main library which defines the markup and some basic components
  • reactive-markup-gtk: A gtk implementation of the current components
  • examples: Examples on how to use this library
  • gtk-hotreload: Hot-Reloading for reactive-markup-gtk

I personally use stack as my build tool and you can build all of these 4 sub-projects with:

git clone
cd reactive-markup
stack build

Other build systems (cabal/nix) should also work fine, but I have not set up configuration files for those.

This library depends on gi-gtk, so keep in mind that compilation takes quite a while.

How to try yourself

After successfully building the project, you can start the examples by typing:

stack exec examples

If you want to edit an example, be sure to use hot-reloading:

ghcid --command="stack ghci" --run="hotReloadMarkupWithoutAsking (\_ -> pure ()) Examples.*.*"

Just replace * with the correct path to the example.

What is the Markup datatype?

Markup is an extensible datatype which can be extended with an arbitrary amount of elements. Elements used in this example are

  • Label
  • List
  • Button
  • DynamicState
  • DynamicMarkup

Label, List, Button directly correlate with Gtk components that you can see in the screenshot. Dynamic State and Dynamic Markup allow elements to have internal state and are used to change the font colour on a button press. Most elements also have additional type arguments (for example Label '[Text, FontWeight, FontStyle, FontSize, FontColour]). Those are used to determine additional capabilities of that element.

How does my Markup get rendered?

Markup holds the information needed to create a GUI, but not the actual GUI itself. How the Markup gets interpreted depends on the used Runner. Currently, the only available Runner is for GTK, which transforms Markup into a GTK widget. However, it is also possible to create Runners for other frameworks.

Hot Reloading !

I am currently testing hot reloading with the help of ghcid.

You can try it out with:

ghcid --command="stack ghci" --run="hotReloadMarkupWithoutAsking $ runMarkup widgetRunner (\_ -> pure ()) Examples.BasicElements.basicElements

This will hot-reload the example in examples/Examples/BasicElements.hs.

If you are using another build system, make sure that ghci loads gtk-hotreload/src/HotReload.hs and reactive-markup-gtk/src/ReactiveMarkup/Runners/Gtk.hs. You can then hot-reload any Markup that is in scope in ghci and that is within the capabilities of the GTK Runner!

Call for participation

This library is rather ambitious and every helping hand is greatly appreciated. Feel free to tinker with this library and share your thoughts!


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