A virtual assistant, made with Batch and Pyttsx3. Currently in development. If something doesn't work, post the error in the Issues tab.
help | Shows all available commands.
quit | Shuts the assistant down.
note | Opens a custom notepad to make reminders.
clock | Displays the current time.
matrix | Opens a window with cool-looking matrix text on it.
sourcecode | Opens Google Chrome with the assistant's Github repository.
youtubeweb | Opens Google Chrome with the website 'Youtube'.
discordweb | Opens Google Chrome with the website 'Discord'.
spotifyweb | Opens Google Chrome with the website 'Spotify'.
if %command1% == help echo Commands: note, clock, quit, matrix, sourcecode, youtubeweb, discordweb, spotifyweb && start /MIN python.exe ./sounds/main/help.py
if %command1% == quit exit 0
if %command1% == clock echo Today is: && time /t && start /MIN python.exe ./sounds/main/time.py
if %command1% == note echo Opening Note. && start notecreator.bat && start /MIN python.exe ./sounds/main/note.py
if %command1% == matrix start matrix.bat && start /MIN python.exe ./sounds/apps/matrix.py
if %command1% == sourcecode start chrome https://github.com/Skelebrine/Demise-Assistant && start /MIN python.exe ./sounds/apps/sourcecode.py
if %command1% == youtubeweb start chrome https://www.youtube.com/ && start /MIN python.exe ./sounds/apps/youtubeweb.py
if %command1% == discordweb start chrome https://discord.com/app && start /MIN python.exe ./sounds/apps/discordweb.py
if %command1% == spotifyweb start chrome https://open.spotify.com/ && start /MIN python.exe ./sounds/apps/spotifyweb.py