A simple module for image and animation outputs in CLI
- color_char() - Takes a list of color codes and returns escape codes to print the colors
- colz() - Calls color_char() to convert a string to colored text
- chn() - check type x= input, typ=type(int,str,bool,list...)
- neli() - returns a newline character
- refs() - clears the console screen
- random_noise() - Generates random colors
- prinx() - sys.stdout.write(colz(image))
- prinx2() - 2d outset
- cuscol() - custom color, text color, etc. (cuscol(lis=['A','\033[93m',...]))
- image2rencli('test.png',250, show=False) - return image in CLI
- imgx() - image2rencli but direct print
- renweb() - import image from web
- d_list(list1,list2) - combine two list directly
- move_2list(listin, ind, mod, spee=0, speel=1, emp=0, lback = [], final_rend=False) - move one object from list for example 1 in [[0,0,1],[0,0,0]]