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Releases: SonarSource/sonar-dotnet


22 Nov 13:14
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Hi everyone,

This release brings you the first fragment of C# 11 support in our Sonarway rules. It fixes a nice number of false positives and false negatives that were caused by the new C# 11 syntax. Look out for new releases as we will continue working on our C# 11 syntax support.

Special thanks to @Corniel for his contribution: #6279.

New Rules

  • 6279 - [VB.NET] Implement S3871: Exceptions should be public - for VB.NET


  • 6338 - Add repository link to NuGet packages
  • 6315 - Update RSPEC before 8.49 release

Bug Fixes

  • 6341 - [C#] AD0001 for S4426: CryptographicKeyShouldNotBeTooShort

False Positive

  • 6313 - Fix S2933 FP: Support unsigned right-shift operator (>>>)
  • 6312 - Fix S3875 FP: Do not raise an issue when implementing IEqualityOperators interface
  • 6311 - Fix S3927 FP: Support static abstract/virtual interface methods
  • 6307 - Fix S2225 FP: Support static virtual/abstract interface methods
  • 6302 - Fix S1854 FP: Support newlines in string interpolation
  • 6301 - Fix S1854 FP: Support interpolated raw string literals

False Negative

  • 6309 - Fix S6419 FN: Support unsigned right-shift operator (>>>)
  • 6308 - Fix S1121 FN: Support unsigned right-shift operator (>>>)
  • 6304 - Fix S2696 FN: Support unsigned right-shift operator (>>>)
  • 6303 - Fix S3010 FN: Support unsigned right-shift operator (>>>)
  • 6299 - Fix S4790 FN: Support multi-line string interpolation
  • 6298 - Fix S4790 FN: Support raw string literals
  • 6297 - Fix S5332 FN: Support utf-8 string literals
  • 6296 - Fix S2934 FN: Support unsigned right shift operator (>>>)
  • 6295 - Fix S3060 FN: Support list patterns
  • 6294 - Fix S2183 FN: Support unsigned right-shift operator (>>>)
  • 6293 - Fix S2115 FN: Support multi-line string interpolation inside a raw string literal
  • 6292 - Fix S2479 FP: Ignore raw string literals
  • 6291 - Fix S2479 FN: Support utf-8 strings
  • 6290 - Fix S2479 FN: Support raw string literals with interpolation
  • 6289 - S2688 FN: Do not raise for IsExpression since it works as expected
  • 6288 - Fix S1118 FN: Support static abstract/virtual interface implementation classes
  • 6287 - Fix S3247 FN: Support list patterns
  • 5744 - Fix S4456/S4457 FN: Recognize ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull()


08 Nov 16:22
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Hi everyone,

This release fixes a false positive on the null pointers should not be dereferenced rule for VB.NET.

False Positives


  • 6269 - Mention altcover in public link
  • 6225 - Update RSPEC before 8.48 release


18 Oct 11:51
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In this release, we further improved S2259 (Null pointers should not be dereferenced) and fixed security-related false positives.

Special thanks to @Corniel for his contribution: #6112.

New Rules

  • 6112 - [VB.NET] Implement S2225 - ToString should not return null - for VB.NET


  • 6213 - Fix S2068 FP: Do not report on empty values in config files
  • 6182 - Rule S2068: detect hard-coded passwords in web.config files
  • 6199 - S2068: Support colon in uri password
  • 3905 - [C#, VB.NET] Rule S2077: support for additional database libraries
  • 6204 - Support new C#11 string types in CopyPasteTokenAnalyzer and TokenTypeAnalyzer
  • 6181 - [C#] Improve S3963: Highlight only the identifier instead of the full constructor body
  • 5824 - [C#] Improve S2259: Support DoesNotReturnIf for custom assertions
  • 6175 - Update RSPEC before 8.47 release

False Positive

  • 6176 - [C#, VB.NET] Fix S2259 FP: SingleOrDefault() and FirstOrDefault() used within EF LINQ queries
  • 6157 - [C#, VB.NET] Fix S2259 FP: Support TypeOf operation
  • 6100 - [C#, VB.NET] Fix S2259 FP: Reset constraints on calls in static methods
  • 6103 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: Reset fields on this invocation with flow captures
  • 6170 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: Should not report in switch expression after a null check
  • 6141 - [C#] Fix S5332 FP: Ignore for WPF xml definitions
  • 6080 - [C#, VB.NET] Fix S1313: Exclude local IPv4-mapped IPv6 address
  • 6064 - [C#, VB.NET] Rule S1313: Exclude reserved documentation IP ranges


03 Oct 11:56
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Hi everyone,

We've worked on improving S2259 rule after it's migration to our new Symbolic Execution engine. We can now fix issues that were previously too difficult or impossible to fix.


  • 6128 - [C#, VB.NET] S2259: Support NotNullWhenAttribute
  • 6092 - [C#] Improve S2259: Take nullable flow state from Roslyn into account
  • 6083 - [C#] Improve S2259: Add support for [NotNull]
  • 6081 - [C#] Improve S2259: ThrowHelper and Debug.Fail
  • 6152 - Update RSPEC before 8.46 release

False Positive

  • 6117 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: Suppress warnings for lifted operator results in null value in value type comparison
  • 4989 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: Combining a null-coalescing operator with the “continue” keyword
  • 4784 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: Return value of ToList() is not null
  • 4537 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: Null conditional combined with null coalescing
  • 3416 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: object.Equals method recognizes null arguments
  • 890 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: Symbolic execution does not enter the for loop
  • 349 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: "Null pointer dereference" should not raise if the variable was tested with Debug.Assert before
  • 6135 - [VB.NET] Fix S2259 FPs: Support Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNothing

False Negative

  • 3290 - [C#] Fix S2259 FN: Linq 'XxxOrDefault' extensions should create null and not-null constraints


16 Sep 08:48
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Hi everyone,

With this release, we worked on S2259 to support VB and newer C# language features.

Special thanks to @Corniel for his contribution: #194.

New Rules

  • 5861 - [VB.NET] Implement S2259: Null pointers should not be dereferenced - for VB.NET


  • 5863 - [C#] S2259: Change default SE engine to Roslyn-based
  • 5973 - [C#] Improve S2259: Support C# 9 and C# 10 syntax
  • 6082 - [C#] Improve S2259: Respect ! (null-forgiving) operator
  • 2949 - [C#] Improve S2259: Fill basic constraints for SE of Switch Expressions
  • 5971 - [C#] Improve S3353: Improve message
  • 6045 - Update RSPEC before 8.45 release

False Positive

  • 6067 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP/FN: in the new engine
  • 5285 - [C#] Fix S2259 FP: Unrelated ref parameter call breaks constraints
  • 6014 - [C#] Fix S3236 FP: Passthrough parameters should be compliant
  • 5995 - [C#] Fix S6421 FP: for Azure Functions with already wrapped body in try/catch block.
  • 6048 - [C#, VB.NET] Fix S2222 FP: Consider symbols released only if they were previously held

False Negative

  • 194 - [C#] Rule S2681: Expand implementation for additional patterns
  • 6089 - [C#, VB.NET] Fix S2222 FN: Support methods with throw


19 Aug 07:19
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Hello everyone,

In this release we improve support for constant interpolated strings, file scoped namespace declaration, extended property patterns and attributes on lambda functions. You can find more details below.


  • 5980 - [C#] Fix CodeFix S3217: Using directives are now moved to the closest namespace when this is file scoped.

False Positives

  • 5946 - [C#] FIix FP S1128: Issue raised in global usings although they are used in file projects.
  • 5925 - [C#] Fix FP S2360: Extend CallerInfoAttributes with CallerArgumentExpressionAttribute
  • 5094 - [C#] Fix FP S3928: When using record parameters

False Negatives

  • 6012 - [C#] Fix FN S1128: No issue is raised when the unnecessary using is inside a file scoped namespace
  • 5984 - [C#] Fix FN S3927: No issue is raised when an attribute is placed on a lambda
  • 5983 - [C#] Fix FN S3981: No issue is raised when property check is done through a pattern.
  • 5981 - [C#] Fix FN S2857: No issue is raised when in file scoped namespace
  • 5979 - [C#] Fix FN S3261: No issue is raised when in file scoped namespace
  • 5947 - [C#] Fix FN S2857: No issue is raised if the SQL string is assembled with constant interpolated strings
  • 5945 - [C#] Fix FN S5443: No issue is raised if the publicly writable directory path is assembled with the help of a constant interpolated string
  • 5944 - [C#] Fix FN S1313: A hardcoded IP address is not recognized if it is assembled as part of a constant interpolated string
  • 5943 - [C#] Fix FN S5332: No issue is raised if an insecure protocol is used as part of a constant interpolated string
  • 5942 - [C#] Fix FN S2857: No issue is raised if the malformed SQL query is formatted with the help of constant interpolated strings
  • 5998 - [VB.NET] Fix FN S5443: No issue is raised if the publicly writable directory path is assembled with the help of an interpolated string
  • 5996 - [VB.NET] Fix FN S1313: No issue is raised if the IP address is assembled as an interpolated string


03 Aug 09:03
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Hi everyone,

With this release, we introduced 2 new VB.Net rules and improved the stability and the accuracy of some of our rules. You can find more details below.

Special thanks to @Corniel for his contributions: #5823 and #5930.

New Rules

  • 5930 - [VB.NET] Rule S4060: Avoid unsealed attributes
  • 5823 - [VB.NET] Rule S4225: Extension method should not extend on object


  • 5929 - [C#, VB.NET] Add support PCI DSS and ASVS Security Standards
  • 5910 - [C#] Fix issue duplication on top-level statements when using Roslyn 4.0.0
  • 5896 - [C#, VB.NET] Fix S3776 configuration: Cognitive complexity threshold for property is not registered properly

Bug Fixes

  • 5906 - [C#] S3874: Fix AD0001
  • 5661 - [C#] [AD0001] S2234 throws ArgumentException when analyzing a constructor call for a type not part of the current compilation
  • 5916 - [C#] [AD0001] S2222: IndexOutOfRange for lambda in try/finally
  • 5809 - [C#] Fix AD0001 in DatabasePasswordsShouldBeSecure

False Positive

  • 5856 - [C#] Fix S1186: FP: Conditional compilation in method should not be considered empty
  • 5816 - [C#] Fix S3874 FP: Should not be raised on Deconstruct methods
  • 5789 - [C#] S3240 Quick action is incorrect
  • 5660 - [C#] Fix S3903: False Positive when using top level statments and partial Program
  • 5641 - [C#] Fix S4159: Rule should handle generic interfaces when using System.ComponentModel.Composition
  • 5587 - [C#, VB.NET] False-positive for S1871:Two branches in a switch-case when one branches use different overloads of methods
  • 5432 - [C#] Fix S3168 FP: Method used as TimerCallback not recognized
  • 4962 - [C#] Fix S3240 FP: When using same method on different variables
  • 4724 - [C#] #pragma warning disable compiler directives are not working for hotspot rules


18 Jul 12:17
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Hello everyone,

In this release, we added support for tuple deconstruction and addressed a couple of FNs/FPs.

Special thanks to @nesc58 for their contribution to #5827.


  • 5808 - S148: Add support for tuple deconstruction
  • 5802 - S2184: Add support for tuple deconstruction
  • 5797 - S2123: Add support for tuple deconstruction
  • 5793 - S3010, S2696: Add support for tuple deconstruction
  • 5785 - S1854: Add support for tuple deconstruction
  • 5767 - S1117: Add support for tuple deconstruction
  • 5764 - S4057: Add support for tuple deconstruction
  • [ 5841 5833 ] - S4433, S2755, S3330, S2092: Add support for tuple deconstruction
  • 5794 - S2674: Performance improvements
  • 5590 - Remove use of deprecated RulesDefinitionXmlLoader
  • 5210 - Remove SQ 7.3 workaround for issue types
  • 5852 - Replace 404 doc link to coverage documentation

False Negatives - False Positives

  • 5826 - [C#] Fix S2699 FP: When using NSubstitute Received with quantity
  • 5835 - [C#] Fix S127 FN: Fix FNs for tuple deconstruction in for loop initializer
  • 5846 - [C#] Fix S4057 FN: Fix declarator handling


04 Jul 15:52
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This release brings new rules for Azure Functions code quality and a major milestone in our new Symbolic Execution engine: support for try/catch/finally blocks. We've also fixed a nasty stochastic bug.

Special thanks to @Corniel for his contributions (#5702, #5703 and #5536).

You can find the details below:

New Rules

  • 5710 - S2222: Support try/catch/finally in Symbolic Execution
  • 5600 - [C#] Rule S6424: Azure Functions - Entity interfaces restrictions
  • 5599 - [C#] Rule S6423: Always log failures in Azure Functions
  • 5598 - [C#] Rule S6422: Calls to "async" methods should not be blocking in Azure Functions
  • 5597 - [C#] Rule S6421: Azure Functions should use Structured Error Handling
  • 5596 - [C#] Rule S6420: Azure Functions should use static clients
  • 5595 - [C#] Rule S6419: Azure Functions should be stateless


  • 5786 - S1226: Add support for deconstruction
  • 5784 - S1656: Add support for deconstruction
  • 5765 - S127: Add support for assignment and declaration in same deconstruction
  • 5760 - S1944: Add support for deconstruction
  • 5756 - S4055: Add support for deconstruction
  • 5752 - S2934: Add support for deconstruction
  • 5727 - Update RSPEC before 8.41 release
  • 5696 - [C#] S6354: Inconsistent analyzer title

Bug Fixes

  • 5692 - Usage of ISymbol.ToDisplayString leads to uncaught exceptions stochastically

False Positive

  • 5773 - [C#] Fix S3358 FP: Nested ternary operator is in a lambda
  • 5703 - [C#] Fix S4581 FP: Support target-typed new expression
  • 5686 - [C#] S1185: Derived records need to override ToString to prevent default code generation by the compiler
  • 5657 - [C#] Fix S2221 FP: Do not raise in Azure Functions
  • 5625 - [C#] S138, S1541, S3776 - exclude static local functions from computing method complexity
  • 5507 - [C#] S2187: Rule should not raise False Positives if MSTEST test method is in a base class higher up in the inheritance hierarchy

False Negative

  • 5680 - [C#] S138, S1541, S3776 - compute complexity for static local functions as a separate piece of code.



31 May 08:51
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Hi everyone,

In the last sprint, we took the time to reduce the noise by addressing some false positives and improving the handling of static local functions.

Special thanks to @Corniel for his contributions to improving our S4581 rule.

You can find the details below:

New Rules

  • 5616 - [C#] Rule S4581: Add C# code fix
  • 5615 - [VB.NET] Rule S4581: Guid.Empty is preferred for VB.NET


  • 5674 - Update rule documentation
  • 5669 - S138: Exclude local static functions from the sum of lines when they are placed in other methods.
  • 5668 - [C#] S3776: Exclude static local functions from complexity computation
  • 5666 - [C#, VB.NET] S4159: Add support for System.Composition.ExportAttribute

False Positive

  • 5264 - [C#] Fix S3242 FP: Don't raise on public methods in controllers
  • 5245 - [C#] Fix S4581 FP: Cannot give method parameter a default value of an empty Guid.