This library is implemented by reading the book: Ray Tracing in One Weekend It is a rust implementation of the concepts explained.
Below is the image rendered after finishing the book:
Images in the doc_images folder are extracted from the booksite.
To generate the image run the following command:
cargo run --release --example rtweekendone
Below is the image rendered after finishing the second book:
To generate the image run the following command:
cargo run --release --example rtnextweek
Most of the images rendered in the book are available as examples
- checkered_spheres
- cornellbox
- cornellbox_with_smoke
- cornellbox_with_two_boxes
- depth_of_field_camera
- earth_scene
- marble_spheres
- rectangle_light_scene
- rtweekendone_moving_spheres_checkered_texture
- wide_angle_camera_scene