Starlink-pyndf contains starlink.hds, starlink.ndf and starlink.ndfpack modules.
starlink.hds and starlink.ndf are Python extension of the C-based Starlink HDS and NDF libraries, allowing reading and writing of Starlink HDS and NDF format files inside Python. It can read and write version 4 and version 5 (HDF5 based) HDS files, and supports 64 bit indexing in HDS/NDF files. It does not require the Starlink software suite to be installed on your system. It will build the HDF5 library itself and does not require a separate installation of that. It currently supports Python 2.7+.
starlink.ndfpack provides high level access to an NDF object.
For more information on HDS see:
For information on NDF see:
or for information on Starlink itself see
It can be installed with pip, or directly build from source with
python install
python install --prefix=<your specific installation directory>
If it necessary to update the libraries, you will need to ensure that any required built files have also been updated and included.