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Dungeon Frenzy

The sample presents whether Netick is capable to create a fast action online 2D Platformer shooter provided with full source code.


Version Release Date
0.1.3 25/10/2024

Technical Info

  • Unity: 2021.3.21f1
  • Netick 2 Beta 0.12.45
  • Platforms: PC (Windows)



  • Efficient projectile spawn system
  • Proper spawn/despawning system
  • Custom Interpolation on Weapon rotation
  • Optional Lag Compensation scripts
  • Server-auth Raycast
  • Custom Execution Order


  • Double Jump
  • Fast paced
  • Weapon Heat system

Projectile Spawning

In Netick, we are using an efficient and accurate projectile vfx from a raycast design. Where it will store static data such as this.

public struct ProjectileHit
    public int Tick;
    public Vector2 OriginPosition;
    public Vector2 HitPosition;
    public bool IsHitPlayer;

Then, we will use the onChanged callback, however we do not want to spawn immediately. We want to spawn them on the next frame, why? When onChanged was called, it is using some old tick data, e.g when accessing transform.position as the bullet origin.

The Solution

  • OnChanged -> Store the projectile data in queue
  • Render() callback -> dequeue then spawn the projectile

Gameplay Simulation vs Visual

Anything about simulation and visual is very recommended to be seperated. I Recommend this design, because it is good for your clean code & easier to manage if you plan to build a dedicated server (or headless server). You can disable the component entirely if its a headless server.

In this project, we seperate Health Logic & It's visual. In this example case It was the spawning the VFX when the player's get hit. The Logic class broadcast the event and let the visual component handles the spawning VFX.

Gameplay Simulation

     public class PlayerCharacterHealth : NetworkBehaviour
     [Networked] private int _health { get; set; }

     public event Action OnHealthChanged;
     public event Action OnHealthReduced;

     public int Health => _health;

     public void ReduceHealth(int amount)
         _health -= amount;

     private void OnChangedHealth(OnChangedData onChangedData)

         int previousHealth = onChangedData.GetPreviousValue<int>();
         int currentHealth = _health;

         if (currentHealth < previousHealth)


public class PlayerCharacterHealthVisual : NetickBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private PlayerCharacterHealth _health;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject _vfxBloodPrefab;

    public override void NetworkStart()
        _health.OnHealthReduced += OnDamaged;

    private void OnDamaged()
        Sandbox.Instantiate(_vfxBloodPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

Custom Interpolation

We were unable to use the default interpolation from Netick for the weapon rotation visual, there could be a case where a "rotation wrapping exist" meaning the rotation is e.g resetting from 359 to 1 instead of continuing to 360 or 361.

 public class PlayerCharacterWeapon : NetworkBehaviour
     [Networked][Smooth(false)] public float Degree { get; private set; }
 public class PlayerCharacterWeaponVisual : NetickBehaviour
     [SerializeField] private PlayerCharacterWeapon _weapon;
     [SerializeField] private Transform _weaponVisual;
     [SerializeField] private SpriteRenderer _weaponRenderer;

     public override void NetworkRender()

     private void UpdateWeaponRotationVisual()
         var interpolator = _weapon.FindInterpolator(nameof(_weapon.Degree));
         bool didGetData = interpolator.GetInterpolationData(InterpolationSource.Auto, out float from, out float to, out float alpha);

         float interpolatedDegree;
         if (didGetData)
             interpolatedDegree = LerpDegree(from, to, alpha);
             interpolatedDegree = _weapon.Degree;

         _weaponVisual.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, interpolatedDegree);

         bool flipY = _weapon.Degree < 89 && _weapon.Degree > -89;
         _weaponRenderer.flipY = !flipY;

     private const float INTERPOLATION_TOLERANCE = 100f;

     private float LerpDegree(float from, float to, float alpha)
         float difference = Mathf.Abs(from - to);

         if (difference >= INTERPOLATION_TOLERANCE)
             return to;

         return Mathf.Lerp(from, to, alpha);

Player Management Architecture

Player Session vs Player Character

There are multiple ways to manage players (keep track, spawning, despawn)

A Player existence on the session is represented by PlayerSession, the object is not visible whatsoever, and It's purpose is to store about the player persistent state e.g Nickname, Score, Player's team.

While the player we control was PlayerCharacter that has gameplay property such as health, position, weapons.

PlayerSession Network Object will be spawned immediately/destroyed the time a player joined/left the session.


In order to keep track the player's list (both PlayerSession and PlayerCharacter) there are 2 managers that can handle this which are GlobalPlayerManager and LocalPlayerManager.


  • Keep track of all players
  • Broadcast events when a player is registered/removed


  • Keep track of only local player
  • Broadcast events whenever local player is registered/removed


There is a drawback on this architecture. We register each player's on Spawned() callback to the manager. However there could a racing condition where the PlayerCharacter was trying to access It's PlayerSession on Spawned() eventhough the PlayerSession hasn't been registered to the GlobalPlayerManager.

This now is solved by using [ExecutionOrder] attribute, this lets us to customize the NetworkStart order from each network behaviour (Netick 2 Beta 0.11.16)

    //Will be executed first (lower is priority)
    public class PlayerSession : NetworkBehaviour

    public class PlayerCharacter : NetickBehaviour


It's good for you to know OnSceneLoaded() is called earlier than any network object Spawned().

Initializing UI

If you take a look at GUIGameplay.cs It implements INetickSceneLoaded interface. A Custom Interface made for this project (not built-in from Netick). This interface will be searched in the scene from MatchManager

Because of that, GUIGameplay now has the access of NetworkSandbox and may listen to the simulation. Another case for this is the CameraManager

public class GUIGameplay : MonoBehaviour, INetickSceneLoaded
    // ...
    private NetworkSandbox _networkSandbox;

    public void OnSceneLoaded(NetworkSandbox sandbox)
        _networkSandbox = sandbox;

        // Logic goes here...
public class MatchManager : NetworkEventsListener
    public override void OnSceneLoaded(NetworkSandbox sandbox)
        List<INetickSceneLoaded> listeners = ObjectFinder.FindPreAlloc<INetickSceneLoaded>();

        foreach (INetickSceneLoaded listener in listeners)

Lag Compensation

1. Updating Script

Lag compensation is a feature available only in Netick Pro, if you have Netick Pro, and wanted to enable It, go ahead to PlayerCharacterWeapon.cs and find these lines. You can uncomment isHit for ShootLagComp and remove the #if NETICK_LAGCOMP symbol definition

//Enable if you have LagComp (Netick Pro) otherwise use Unity default Raycast
//bool isHit = ShootLagComp(originPoint, direction, out ShootingRaycastResult hitResult);

bool isHit = ShootUnity(originPoint, direction, out ShootingRaycastResult hitResult);

2. Adding HitShape Component

Follow these Netick documentation on how to add HitShape, and make sure to also change HitShapeContainer layer to Player. Lastly, change the player's circle collider layer to Default

3. Netick Config

Enable Lag Compensation in Netick Config

4. (Optional) Disable Server-auth LagComp

The Weapon is designed for server auth only, to disable that and allowing clients to predict bullets, remove the IsServer check on ProcessShooting()

Alternative to Lag Compensation

1. Enable raycast prediction

Raycast immediately without waiting for server, there is a IsServer check to disable prediction.

2. Client-side auth

Using a RPC to deal damage to the players on hit

Cinemachine Sandboxing

This project is compatible with Netick sandboxing. However, by default This doesn't really do well for Cinemachine. Disabling just the camera won't be enough, we also have to disable the CinemachineVirtualCamera component. This issue has been solved in CameraManager. This code is for editor only and can be a little expensive to running it everytime, because we only this feature only in editor

        public void OnSceneLoaded(NetworkSandbox sandbox)
            // ....
        private void AttachBehaviour(NetworkSandbox sandbox)

        public override void NetworkRender()
            _cinemachineVirtualCamera.enabled = Sandbox.IsVisible;

To Do/Issues

  • Empty



2D Platformer Multiplayer Shooter made using Netick








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