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Jeffro Ligon edited this page Apr 10, 2016 · 1 revision


Below is a list of tasks for you to do today.

Your Laptop

Other than your brain, the most important tool you will use is your macbook. Making sure it is properly set up is extremely important. This is the reason we do this install party. Here are some things you'll need to make sure you have.

  • Macbook Air or Pro running the latest OS X

  • Clean up your machine. Those of you who have not started with a new machine, take some time to clean up your desktop and even your file system if possible.

  • Make sure you always have your charging cable with you

Install Xcode 7

You will be living in Xcode 7 for 12 straight weeks. Xcode is much more than a text editor, and you will need to do more than just write code within it. You will need to get comfortable with navigating this IDE. Go ahead and sign up as an Individual for the Apple Developer program.

Apps to Install

###Tasks To Do

  • We will discuss the following task list:
* [ ] [Create a Github account](
* [ ] Find and star [the class project](
* [ ] Read [the Home page on the class](
* [ ] [Create a new _WIP Issue_](
* [ ] Named `00 -- This is Heavy -- YOUR NAME` (where `YOUR NAME` is _your_ name)
* [ ] With this checklist as the description
* [ ] [Edit your Github profile]( to provide:
* [ ] A picture, so I can recognize your face.
* [ ] Your full name, so I can recognize your name.
* [ ] A valid public email address, so I can contact you if I need to.
* [ ] [Complete the "Hello World" Github guide](
* [ ] Add a link to your new Github repo as a comment on your *WIP Issue*
* [ ] Complete the Code School course [Try Git](
* [ ] Take a screenshot of the Try Git course when you complete it and add it as a comment to your *WIP Issue*
* [ ] Create a new repository called `TIY-Assignments`
* [ ] Check the box to create an initial `` file
* [ ] Select the `CC0` -- "Creative Commons" license for your work
* [ ] Add a link to your `TIY-Assignments` repo as a comment on your *WIP Issue*

Other Activities

Please do

* [ ] Watch _The Long Run_ Videos on [](
* [ ] [_The Long Game_, part 1](
* [ ] [_The Long Game_, part 2](
* [ ] Check out the Swift Programming Language guide. Pay special attention to the first section [*Welcome To Swift*](
* [ ] From the Guided Tour section, read the paragraphs labelled, *Simple Values* and *Control Flow*.
* [ ] Feel free to read the first few items under the section called, *The Basics*. This is in the *Language Guide* chapter.