Just a simple API to feed a Momentum commit counter metric.
Can also be used for displaying your commits or WakaTime daily time spent anywhere.
Response example here
Git clone and install the repository.
git clone git@github.com:Tahul/commit-metric.git
npm install
Create your .env from the example one.
cp .env.example .env
Edit the .env to add your personal access token and username from GitHub and/or GitLab.
You can get one here for GitHub, or here for GitLab.
GITLAB_BASEURL={YOUR_GITLAB_HOSTNAME} // This can be null, by default it will be: https://gitlab.com
Run the server for development if you want to edit, or for production if you are hosting it.
// PM2 start dev (watcher, ts-node)
pm2 start --only dev
// PM2 start production
npm run compile
pm2 start --only prod
Just deploy the code on a server (can probably be a Heroku or Now instance) and you're ready to go.
By default the app will cache your data for 1 hour, to avoid spamming the API services too frequently.
You can disable this by setting your CACHE_TIME
.env value to 1.
You can also configure the caching duration with that parameters, in seconds.
I use PM2 to run this as a service.
You can probably use any other process manager, all the commands used to run the app are in ecosystem.config.js
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.