Functional algorithm of Bowling scoring written in JavaScript with TDD model, which came out from @TechQuery after a Pair Programming activity of FCC-CDG Council.
First of all
npm init
npm install functional-bowling
then you can use this package in two typical environments:
<script src="node_modules/@babel/polyfill/dist/polyfill.min.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/functional-bowling/dist/functional-bowling.js"></script>
var bowling = window['functional-bowling'];
import * as bowling from 'functional-bowling';
Fork this repository to your namespace on GitHub, and then execute commands shown below:
git clone{your_namespace}/Functional-Bowling.git
npm install
# Modify some code, and then
npm test
# After developing
git commit -m "{What you have changed}"
In the end, you can create a Pull request to the original repository.