Monte-carlo simulation of neutrons passing through materials.
University of Manchester Computational Physics March 2018
In a nuclear reactor, uranium undergoes induced fission when its nucleus captures neutrons to gain enough energy to split and release more neutrons which induce more fission reactions. The attenuation length of neutrons in different materials is important to know when constructing a nuclear reactor to ensure safety outside the reactor and to keep the chain reaction sub-critical.
This python script constains functions for simulating the scattering and absorption of neutrons through different materials that are commonly used in a reactor to find the attenuation length of the neutrons though the materials. This is done using a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique of isometric steps as the neutron passes through the material.
: Find goodness of fit between x and yrandssp
: Tests randomness of randssprandssp_plot
: plot randssp dataNumber_Generator_3D
: Generates a 3D array of random numbers, using random.uniform()Plotter_3D
: plots random numbersRandom_check
: shows how uniform random.randint() isExponential_Distribution
: Finds an exponential distibtution of values for a given LanbdaSphere_Surface
: Finds n random positions on the surface of a sphere with radius rSphere_Distribution
: Finds n random positions with a random r wich follows the exponential distribution.Isotropic_Steps
: Function to find the number of transmitted, reflected and absorbed neutrons, for a given materialUncertainty_with_neutrons
: Function which calls Isotropic_Steps to return array of data for n simulationsNeutrons_Through_Fixed_Tickness
: Finds number of neutrons that have passed through a material of a given thicknessNeutrons_Through_varying_Thickness_analysis
: analyses data output by previsous function
Main: Defines materials and calls each function. Uses Matplotlib to plot graphs.