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Managed by Stow Arch Linux AUR

My dotfiles and current config.
The commands are for Arch Linux.
This repository is symlinked with stow.


Create the different symlinks with the following commands:

make links


Cool monospace fonts patched with the nerd fonts patcher and ligature support.

  • FiraCode Nerd Font
  • JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
  • Cascadia Code NF
pacman -S \
    ttf-firacode-nerd \
    ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd \


Useful cli tools.

Tool Description
asdf Multi-language version manager
bat Fancy cat & less
delta Fancy git diff viewer
dotacat Faster lolcat
dust Fancy du
eza Fancy ls
fastfetch Maintained & faster neofetch
fd Better find
fzf Cli fuzzy finder
helix Terminal-based editor
lazygit Fancy Git TUI
lazydocker Fancy Docker TUI
mamba Faster conda
procs Fancy ps
ripgrep Better grep
tmux Terminal multiplexer
tldr User friendly man pages
zoxide Cd with autojump

Install them with:

pacman -S \
    bat \
    dust \
    eza \
    fastfetch \
    fd \
    fzf \
    git-delta \
    helix \
    lazygit \
    procs \
    ripgrep \
    tmux \
    tldr \
    zoxide \

paru dotacat lazydocker betterdiscord-installer flavours

Latex Setup

Install the following packages:

pacman -S \
    zathura \
    zathura-pdf-poppler \
    texlive-basic \
    texlive-latex \
    texlive-latexrecommended \
    texlive-latexextra \
    texlive-fontsrecommended \
    texlive-mathscience \

Setup Neovim with synctex:

pip install neovim-remote

Tmux setup

Clone the tmux plugin manager:

git clone ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm

Then install the tmux plugins within tmux by pressing ctrl-A and shift-I


Download the installer and run it. Rerun it on every Discord update.


Install Spicetify with the following command:

curl -fsSL | sh

Then install it using spicetify-reinstall. Rerun this command on every Spotify update.


Useful gui programs.

Program Description
Flatseal Manage flatpak permissions
Jetbrains Toolbox Manage Jetbrains IDEs
Libre Office Office suite
Obsidian Note-taking app
Video Downloader Simple video downloader for youtube