- 📛 Name: Tiffany Chan
- 📚 Current Education: Computer Programming and Analysis student at Fanshawe College
- 👍 Specialized in: Front-end development
- 👨💻 Learning: React testing, MERN stack, TypeScript, relational database, UI/UX
- 🤸 Motivation: To build software products that can enrich and improve people's lives.
- 📖 Hobbies: Reading, enjoying a walk in the countryside
- 🗣️ Languages: Cantonese, English, Mandarin
- 👐 Collaboration: Looking to collaborate on full-stack projects with MERN stack
Learn more about me on LinkedIn!
- Vocabulary Builder - front-end vocabulary builder app with flashcards and quizzes built with React and Tailwind CSS
- Fireball - Chingu team project that presents and analyses NASA meteorite data
- Quizzical - simple Quiz app built with React, CSS, and HTML
- Tenzies - simple Tenzies game built with React, CSS, and HTML
- Todo List - simple Todo list app built with VanillaJS, CSS, and HTML